GU Flashcards
MC organism in UTI
E. coli
Newborn UTI sx’s
- Fever
- HYPOthermia
- Jaundice
- Poor feeding
- Irritability
- FTT, sepsis
- +/- strong, foul-smelling or cloudy urine
Pre-scheool children UTI sx’s
- Abd or flank pain
- Vomiting
- Fever
- Urinary sx’s
School-aged children UTI sx’s
Classic cystitis sx’s
+/- Pyelo
What is gold standard diagnosis in UTI’s
Urine culture (properly collected)
UTI tx in older infants & children
3rd Gen. Cephalosporin OR
x7-10 days
When would you admit an infant to the hospital for IV abx?
- <3 months
- Septic
- Dehydrated
Define Vesicouretral Reflux (VUR)
Reflux of urine from bladder into ureter/upper urinary tract
When does the incidence of VUR increase?
infants w/ prenatal hydronephrosis
Who is VUR MC in?
Strong FHx
What is the MC type of VUR?
Primary VUR
Define Primary VUR
Short Ureters: Incompetent or inadequate closure of ureterovesical junction
Define Secondary VUR
Abnormally hight voiding pressure in bladder=Blockage
- Functional bladder obstruction
- Anatomic dysfunction
Prenatal VUR sx’s
Hydronephrosis on US
Postnatal VUR sx’s
Febrile UTI
Prenatal imaging follow-up in UNILATERAL Hydronephrosis VUR visualized
Repat US @ 1 week of age
Prenatal imaging follow-up in BILATERAL hydronephrosis VUR visualized
Repat US + Voiding Cystourethrogram (VCUG)
Postnatal work-up with UTI in VUR
Renal and Bladder US
Postnatal work-up with FEBRILE UTI in VUR
Voiding Cystourethrogram (VCUG)
Grade I and II VUR treatment
Monitor for spontaneous resolution
80% resolve by age 5
Garde III-IV VUR treatment
Prophylactic abx:
- Nitrofurantoin
*D/c when VUR resolves
Surgical correction indications
- Grade V reflux w/ scarring
- Persistent Grade Iv/V reflux in children >2
- Failed medical therapy or ADE from abx
What is the MCC of urinary tract obstruction in males?
Posterior Urethral Valves (PUV)
What is present in 1/2 to 1/3 of pt’s with PUV?
30% of PUV pt’s will develop __?
ESRD or renal insufficiency
*Monitor for renal failure!
Prenatal US findings in PUV
- BILATERAL Hydronephrosis
- Distended & thickened bladder
- +/- Oligohydramnios
What are pt’s @ risk of postnatal in PUV? Why?
Lung Hypoplasia d/t Oligohydramnios
Older boys si/sx’s with PUV
- Straining to urinate
- Daytime and nocturnal enuresis
PUV diagnosis in postnatal boys
VCUG: Dilated and elongated posterior urethra
Prenatal PUV Treatment
Vesicoamniotic shunt placement
Postnatal PUV Treatment
Transurethral Cath Ablation
Define Daytime Frequency
Voiding 8x or more during waking hrs
Define Straining
The application of abdominal pressure (Valsalva) to initiate and maintain voiding
Define Enuresis
Repeated urination into clothing (day & nighttime):
- > 5 y.o,
- @ least 2x/wk for 3 months
Define Diurnal Enuresis
Wetting while awake
Define Primary Enuresis
Children who have NEVER been consistently dry @ night
Define Secondary Enuresis
Resumption of wetting after @ least 6 months of dryness
What is Nocturnal Enuresis often associated with?
Nonpharm Tx in Nocturnal Enuresis
Bedwetting alarms x3 months
Pharm Tx in Nocturnal Enuresis (IF all else fails)
Desmopressin Acetate (DDAVP): Synthetic ADH
*short term
Define Daytime Urinary Incontinence
Wetting accident @ least once every 2 weeks
When should you consider an underlying cause in Daytime Urinary Incontinence?
Continence NOT achieved by 6 y.o.
List the associated disorders in Daytime Urinary Incontinence
- Overactive Bladder=Urinary urgency*
- Voiding postponement & under-active bladder: Postpone peeing, low frequency voiding, valsalva to aid in voiding
- Dysfunctional voiding: Detrusor contractions during voiding against closed external urinary sphincter
Daytime Urinary Incontinence treatment
- Tx underlying pathology
- Behavioral Therapy
- Anticholinergic: Oxybutynin
Define Exstrophy of Bladder
Open, inside-out bladder
Congenital Anomaly
Who is Exstrophy of Bladder MC in?
White infants
First born
Define Diastasis of Pubic Symphsis
Outward malrotation of pelvic bones
Si/sx in Exstrophy of Bladder
What does Diastasis of Pubic Symphsis place the infant @ risk for?
Hip dysplasia
Exstrophy of Bladder treatment
- Induced vaginal delivery or planned C-section
2. Surgery w/in 72 hrs of delivery
Define Hypospadias
Abnormal VENTRAL placement of urethral opening
What is Hypospadias associated with?
- Chordea: Abnormal ventral curvature of penis
2. Cryptorchidism
Hypospadias increased the risk of __?
Inguinal hernias
ISOLATED Hypospadias Treatment
Repaire before 18 mos
Hypospadias with Cryptorchidism is at an increased risk for __?
Disorders of Sexual Development (DSD):
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia=Salt wasting form of DSD
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia electrolyte findings
- Low sodium
2. High potassium
What imaging will you order in Hypospadias with Cryptorchidism?
Pelvic US
What is the MC Congenital Abnormality of GU tract in males?
Define Cryptorchidism
Undescended testis by 4 mos
Pt’s are @ risk for __ in Cryptorchidism
- Infertility
- Testicular Malignancy
*5-10x higher risk
What labs/tests do you order for the dx of Cryptorchidism @ 2-6 months?
- LH
- Testosterone
- Inhibit B
- HcG stimulation test
At what age do you perform surgery in Cryptorchidism? Surgery treatment options?
@ 6-12 months
- Orchiopexy: Palpable testi
- Exploratory surgery: Nonpalpable
What is the MC associated abnormality in Testicular Torsion?
Bell Clapper Deformity: Testis lies horizontally
Testicular Torsion PEx/Diagnostic findings
- Doppler US: Decreased perfusion
- Absent Cremasteric reflex
- Tender, swollen, elevated testi
Viable testis (BOTH) testicular torsion treatment
Surgical Detorsion + Orchopexy
Non-Viable testis testicular torsion treatment
100% viability is achieved if detorsion within__?
4-6 hrs
0% viability if detorsion is not achieved after__?
24 hrs
Define Hydrocele
Collection of peritoneal fluid between parietal and visceral layers of tunica vaginalis
Define Communicating Hydrocele
- Failure of tunica vaginalis to close during development
2. Peritoneal fluid
Communicating Hydrocele clinical presentation
Increase in size during day OR w/ valsava maneuver (crying, screaming)
Define Non-Communicating Hydrocele
- NO connection to peritoneum
2. Fluid= comes form mesothelial lining of tunica vaginalis
Non-Communicating Hydrocele can be a secondary etiology of the following__
- Epididymitis
- Orchitis
- Testicular torsion
- Trauma
- Tumor
*work these up!
Diagnosis of a Hydrocele?
+ Transillumination
Define Varicocele
Collection of dilated and tortuous veins surrounding spermatic cord
Varicocele is the MC on the __side. Why?
Left side
Left entering renal vein @ 90 degree angle
Varicocele is associated with __ in 30% of males
Varicocele Clinical presentation
- Dull ache or fullness of scrotum when upright
2. “Bag of worms”
Varicocele treatment
Why is a right sided varicocele concerning? Work-up?
Doppler US to r/o IVC obstruction:
- Kidney tumor
- Abd mass
- IVC thrombus
- Right renal vein thrombus