GI Flashcards
Define esophageal atresia
Blind esophageal pouch w/ or w/o a fistulous connection between the proximal or distal esophagus & trachea
esophageal atresia clinical presentation
- Copious secretions
- Choking
- Cyanosis & respiratory distress
Trachoeoesophageal fistula distal to esophagus CXR findings
Gas present in bowel
EA WITHOUT fistula CXR findings
NO gas in bowel
EA treatment
- NG tube in proximal pouch on low intermittent suction
- Elevate head of bed to prevent reflux
- IV glucose
- Fluids & O2
- Surgery
Esophageal FB clinical presentation
- Asx=50%
- Dysphagia, odynophagia
- Drooling
- Chest or abdominal pain
What is the MC FB ingested?
Coin ingestion
Define GER
- Uncomplicated recurrent spitting & vomiting
2. Resolves spontaneously
Define GERD
Reflux causes 2ry sx’s or complications:
- Aspiration
- Pneumonia
- Failure to thrive
- GI bleeding
- Food refusal
What is the MC infant sx?
GERD treatment
- Thickening feeds w/ oat cereal
- Milk free (& soy free) diet x 2wks.
- H2 blocker vs. PPI
- Surgery: Nissen Fundoplication (severe)
*reflux resolves spontaneously in 85% of affected infants by 12mo of age
What are the two MC complications of eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE)?
- esophageal food impactions
2. esophageal stricture
EoE si/sx’s
- Feeding dysfxn
- Vague non-specific GERD sx’s
- Long meal times: washing down food w/ liquids
- Avoidance of highly textured foods
- No response to medical &/or surgical GERD tx
- FH or PMH of atopy, asthma
EGD findings in EoE
- Esophageal mucosa w/ thickening, mucosal fissures, strictures & rings
- Esophagus sprinkled w/ white exudates=resembles candida
EoE treatment
- Elimination of food allergens
2. Swallowed topical steroids: Fluticasone
Define Pica
- Persistent eating of nonnutritive substance:Clay, Dirt, Hairballs, Ice, Paint
- Present @ least 1 month
- Inappropriate to developmental level
What is Pica associated with?
Iron and zinc deficiency
Pica treatment
- Address nutrient deficiency or lead poisoning
2. Behavioral therapy & family education
Define Rumination
- Repeated regurgitation and re-chewing of food
- At least 1 month
- More common 3 to 12 months
What is the MC inborn error of amino acid metabolism?
Phenylketonuira (PKU)
Define Phenylketonuira (PKU)
Autosomal recessive
Decreased activity of phenylalanine hydroxylase
What is the MC si/sx in Phenylketonuira (PKU)? 2nd MC?
Intellectual disability=MC
What race is Phenylketonuira (PKU) MC in?
Phenylketonuira (PKU) treatment
- Dietary restriction of phenylalanine and aspartame
- Tyrosine supplementation
- Elimination of all high-protein foods: meat, dairy, nuts, legumes
- Restrict starches
What is the MC food allergy?
Cow’s milk
What is the MC si/sx in food allergies?
- Urticaria
2. Angioedema
Food allergy treatment
- Avoidance and re-introduction annually
- Epinephrine
- H1 blockers
Define celiac disease
Immune mediated enteropathy triggered by gluten: Protein in what, rye and barley
RF’s for celiac disease
- Type 1 diabetes
- Down syndrome
- Turner syndrome
- Autoimmune thyroidititis
- Family hx of CD
GI manifestations in celiac dz
- Poor weight gain
- Chronic diarrhea
- Abd distention
- Irritability
- Anorexia
- Vomiting
*usually between 6-24mo of age (when gluten 1st introduced)
Non GI manifestations in celiac dz
- Delayed puberty/short stature
- Delayed menarche
- Unexplained Fe def anemia*
Celiac Dz diagnosis
serology &/or duodenal biopsy: villous atrophy w/ increased intraepithelial lymphocytes
Define omphalocele
Membrane covered herniation of the abdominal contents into the base of the umbilical cord
Who is omphalocele MC in?
- Mom’s of extreme maternal age: <20 or >40
2. Associated w/ chromosomal abnormalities
Define gastroschisis
Uncovered (no sac) intestine through small abdominal wall defect to the right of the umbilical cord
What environmental factors are associated with gastroschisis?
- illicit drugs: meth & cocaine
- link w/ aspirin & ibuprofen use during pregnancy
- Young maternal age
Define reducible hernia
Spontaneous or manual