GU Flashcards
name 2 nuclear tests performed for f/u reflux:
What is the Weigert–Meyer rule re duplex PC system
there is an increased risk of obstruction (in the upper pole moiety) and reflux (in the lower pole moiety)
Where does the upper pole insert?
the upper pole ureter inserts ectopically (inferomedially) into the bladder and is prone to obstruction,
Where does the lower pole insert?
The lower pole ureter inserts orthotopically (normally) but is prone to reflux.
Ddx of Drooping lily sign on VCUG
- Renal ptosis, which would be expected to show a normal number of calyces.
- obstructed upper pole of the drooping lily has fewer calyces.
Seen in some patients with a duplicated collecting system. It refers to the inferolateral displacement of the opacified lower pole moiety due to an obstructed (and unopacified) upper pole moiety.
The similarity to a lily is further strengthened by the small number of calyces the lower pole moiety has
Tx for PUJ obstruction
How to differentiate bwn PUJ obstruction and prominent extra renal pelvis
Whitaker test - Urodynamic study with integrate pyelogram
Abrupt calibre change bwn dilated posterior urethra and normal calibre anterior urethra on VCUG
Posterior urethral valves
MRI shows hydro in the kidney and a key hole in the bladder
Posterior urethral valves
Most Common cause of hydronephrosis in fetus is PUJ Obstruction
BUZZWORD: Perirenal fluid collection
Posterior urethral valves
Non specific, can b seen in obstructive picture.
main differential for posterior urethral valve
prune belly syndrome, which would show dilation of the ENTIRE ureter rather than only the prostatic portion
Prune belly triad:
- Crappy abdominal musculature. 2. Hydroureteronephrosis 3. Cryptorchidism- bladder distention interferes with descent of testes
What is the diagnosis?
focal dilation of the distal ureter within the bladder wall, where the ureter infolds between the mucosal and muscular layers of the bladder wall.
Cobra head sign: contrast surrounded by a lucent rim protruding from the contrast filled bladder
The ureterocoele is associated with….
Duplicated system- specially the upper pole
- No functioning renal tissue
- Contralateral renal tract abnormalities 50% of the time
TS (4)
- Renal cysts
- Renal angiomyolipomas.
- Cardiac rhabdomyoma.
- CNS cortical hamartomas, subependymal nodules, and subependymal giant cell astrocytoma.
VHL (5)
- Renal cysts
- Renal cell carcinoma (RCC): Up to 30% of VHL patients die from RCC.
- Adrenal pheochromocytoma.
- Pancreatic cysts, islet cell tumors, and serous cystadenomas.
- Brain and spinal cord hemangioblastomas.
BUZZWORD: Protrudes into renal pelvis
Multilocular cystic nephroma
What is the diagnosis?
Bilateral enlarged and diffusely echogenic kidneys with loss of CM differentiation- No urine in the bladder in utero