GU Flashcards
Adrenal cortex secretes ____
Steroid hormones (including cortisol, aldosterone, androgens and estrogens)
Adrenal medulla produces ______
Adrenal glands lie within the ______ space surrounded by fat
Right adrenal gland location:
A. located _____ to the IVC at the level where the IVC enters the liver
B. between the ____ lobe of the liver and ___ crus of the diaphragm
C. Just _____ the upper pole of the right kidney
A. Posterior
B. Right; right
C. Above
Left adrenal gland location:
A. Just ___ and ______ to the upper pole of the left kidney
B. ______ to the pancreas and splenic vessels
C. ________ to the _______ crus of the diaphragm
A. Medial; anterior
B. Posterior
C. Lateral; left
On cross-sectional imaging the adrenal glands appear _____
Triangular, linear or inverted V- or Y- shaped
***adrenal limbs(4-5cm in length, 5-7mm in thickness)
A. On T1WI
A. Hypointense (about equal to striated muscle)
B. Isointense to slightly hypointense (compared with the liver); hypointense (compared with the spleen)
Used to demonstrate intracellular fat in benign adrenal adenomas by utilizing in-phase(IP) and out-of-phase(OP) gradient-recalled sequences
Chemical shift MR imaging
Intracellular fat demonstrates a loss of signal on out-of-phase images compared to in-phase images because of _____
Signal cancellation effect
Resulting from fat and water occupying the same voxel
Used to demonstrate macroscopic fat seen in adrenal myelolipomas
Fat saturation MR technique
***macroscopic fat,shows a loss of signal intensity on fat saturation images
Fascia covering the kidneys
Gerota’s fascia
Part of the kidney which consists of all the glomeruli,proximal and distal convoluted tubules and accompanying blood vessels
Renal cortex
Type of renal cortex that is immediately beneath the renal capsule
Peripheral cortex
Type of renal cortex that extends down between the pyramids as the column of bertin
Septal cortex
Part of the kidney that consist of the collecting tubules and the long, straight portions of the loop of Henle, as well as the accompanying blood vessels
Medullary pyramids
The apex of each pyramid is directed at the renal sinus and projects into a ______
Refers to the innermost zone of the medulla , closest to the draining calyx
Cup-shaped structures that drain one renal lobe
Simple calyces
Drain several renal lobes and are more complex in shape
Compound calyces
- more common at the poles of the kidney
- more prone to intrarenal reflux
Minor calyces join to form _____, which drain into the renal pelvis
Major calyces (infundibula)
a. Right renal artery courses posterior to the ____
b. Left renal artery courses posterior to the ____
B. left renal vein
Main renal artery divides into _____ and _____ branches as it enters the renal hilum
Ventral; dorsal
Ventral and dorsal branches from the main renal artery divide into ______ arteries
Each is an end artery without anastomoses
Arise from segmental arteries and course in the columns of bertin
Interlobar arteries
Continuations of the interlobar arteries and course parallel to the renal capsule at the corticomedullary junction
Arcuate arteries
Arcuate arteries give rise to_____
Intralobular arteries
Arterial divisions down to the level of the ____ artery are demonstrable by color Doppler US
Receptacle of the collecting system
Minor calyx
The sharp-edged portion of the minor calyx projecting around the sides of a papilla
Fornix (of the calyx)
Extend between the minor calyces and renal pelvis
A normal variant that should not be confused with hydronephrosis
- predominantly outside the renal sinus and is larger and more distensible than the more common intrarenal pelvis
Extrarenal pelvis
The mucosa lining the entire pelvicalyceal system, ureters, and bladder is _____
Transitional epithelium
Because of ____, the diameter of the ureter at any particular instant is highly variable
3 main points of urethral narrowing:
- Ureteropelvic junction (UPJ)
- The site at which the ureter crosses the pelvic brim
- The ureterovesical junction (UVJ)
Space that separates the bladder from the symphysis pubis
Extraperitoneal space of Retzius
Bladder is separated from the uterus by the ____ (in females);
Bladder is separated from the rectum by the _____ (in males)
Uterovesical peritoneal recess (in females);
Rectovesical peritoneal recess (in males)
4 layers of the urinary bladder wall:
- Outer connective tissue adventitia
- Circular muscle fibers sandwiched between inner and outer layers of longitudinal fibers
- Lamina propia
- Mucosa of transitional epithelium
A triangle at the bladder floor formed by two urethral orifices and the internal urethral orifice
(In males) the posterior urethra consist of the ______ and ______
Prostatic urethra; membranous urethra(totally contained within the 1-cm thick Urogenital diaphragm)
(In males) the anterior urethra consists of the ___ and ____
Bulbous urethra; penile urethra
Proximal 2cm of the bulbous urethra
-unprotected portion of the urethra that is particularly susceptible to straddle injury
Pars nuda
An oval filling defect in the midportion of the posterior wall …..
A mullerian remnant, a small saccular depression in the middle of the verumontanum
Marks the beginning of the membranous urethra
Distal end of the verumontanum
Pea-sized accessory sex glands within the Urogenital diaphragm on either side of the membranous urethra
Cowper glands
The penoscrotal junction that divides the bulbous and penile urethra is marked by the _________,which causes a normal bend in the urethra
Suspensory ligament of the penis
Lines the entire anterior urethra, its secretions lubricate the urethra
Glands of Littre
Female urethra varies in length from _____
2.5 to 4 cm
Pear shaped muscular organ located between the bladder and rectum
Peritoneal folds which extend laterally to the pelvic sidewalls forming the ______
Broad ligament
A “bare” area of Extraperitoneal space is present between the _____ uterus and bladder
- an important area for the direct spread of tumor from one organ to the other
Peritoneum reflecting off the uterus and the bladder forms a shallow ______
Anterior vesicouterine pouch
Posteriorly, the peritoneum reflects onto the rectum and forms a deep _____
Recto-uterine pouch or cul-de-sac
Uterus, cervix, and the upper 1/3 of the vagina are derived from the______
Müllerian ducts
Lower 2/3s of the vagina arise from the ______
Urogenital sinus
Refers to the connective tissue adjacent to the uterus between the folds of the broad ligament and adjacent to the vagina
Cervix is cylindrical in shape and about _____ cm in length
3-4 cm
Adult ovary is oval with a maximal dimension of ______ cm
5x3x2 cm
Maximum ovarian volume:
A. Before menarche
B. In menstruating women
C. In post-menopausal women
A. 9cc
B. 22cc
C. 6cc
Most prostate cancers (70%) arise in the _____
Peripheral zone
The site of benign prostatic hypertrophic and may enlarge greatly in the older man
Transitional zone
Consists of the glandular tissue at the base of the prostate thru which course the ducts of the vas deferens and seminal vesicles and the ejaculatory ducts
Central zone
The anterior portion of the prostate is occupied by no glandular tissue called the ____
Anterior fibromuscular stroma
That portion adjacent to the base of the bladder and the seminal vesicles
Base of the prostate
Rests on the Urogenital diaphragm
Apex of the prostate
Offer a route for the hematogenous spread of tumor to the axial skeleton (prostate)
Periprostatic venous connections to vertebral veins
Paired elongated saclike glands located in the posterior groove between the bladder base and the prostate
-produce 60%to80% of the fluids passed during ejaculation
Seminal vesicles
Vas deferens joins the ducts of the seminal vesicles to form the ______
Ejaculatory duct
Axial CT appearance of fluid containing seminal vesicles
Penis contains ______ corpus cavernosa and ____ corpus spongiosum
Paired; single
Encases the corpora and deep vessels of the penis and fuses proximally with the deep Urogenital fascia
Buck fascia
Penile blood supply
Branches of the internal pudendal artery
arises from the internal iliac artery
Supply the corpora cavernosa
Cavernosal arteries
Supply the glans penis, skin of the penis, and distal corpus spongiosum
Dorsal penile arteries and veins
Supplies the urethra and proximal corpus spongiosum
Bulbar artery