Growth of nationalism Flashcards
How did the development of railways contribute to breaking down barriers among German states, and what role did it play in stimulating trade and transportation?
The railways helped improve transportation and trade in Germany. It allowed the exploitation of raw materials and natural resources, it also helped link together previously isolated states.
What was the significance of the Zollverein in promoting economic integration among German states and its implications for national unification?
The Zollverein played a significant role in promoting economic integration among German states by introducing a customs union and standardising tariffs.
How did German writers and thinkers such as Fichte, Goethe, and Hegel contribute to the growth of German consciousness and nationalism?
Fichte, Goethe and Hegel promoted the growth of German consciousness by raising awareness of shared culture, heritage and language.
What was the impact of cultural factors, such as language and heritage, in fostering a sense of shared identity among German states?
This created a shared identity because as Fichte highlighted the importance of language as a unifying force, fostering nationalist sentiments among the population.
What was the significance of the federal army in protecting German states from French invasion and promoting the idea of a ‘fatherland’?
The federal army was primarily made up of volunteers - which helped unify Germany and allowed for national sentiments amongst Germany
What was the effectiveness of the federal army in unifying Germany, considering both its composition and the willingness of states to relinquish power?
The federal army was not entirely effective as it took 6 years to establish and the states were unwilling to relinquish power.
How did French occupation and the structure of the Holy Roman Empire influence the development of German nationalism during the French Revolutions and Napoleonic Wars?
French occupation was beneficial as they introduced a more modern political system and highlighted the importance of unity.
What was the motivations behind German princes’ encouragement of nationalism during the Napoleonic Wars and its implications for the broader nationalist movement?
It could be said that the German princes encouragement of nationalism was a way to preserve their own power and was primarily self-serving.