Growth In Facism Flashcards
What was the outcome of the Nov 1919 election ?
PSI- 156 (single largest party in Italian parliment) and 32 % of the vote.
Mussolini does v poorly (less than 5000 votes and no seats )
Liberals do v badly but PSI nor PPI ( next biggest party ) had full coalition or willing to work together- liberals stay
[NB: This was one of the key factors that encouraged M to take the facist movement more definatley to the right ]
Why were landowners appalled at the governments failure to halt the country side revolution ?
Peasants occupying uncultivated land and farming it for themselves.
Wanted to see socialist attempts to bring about land reform for the peasantry end.
Agricultural labourers joining socialist trade unions in large numbers and were beginning to demand higher wages and employment guarantees.
Why did shopkeepers see the liberal job as a failure ?
Their surrender in June 1919 to rioters who were protesting against the rise of bread.
What is trincerocrazia
What M used to described the camaraderie felt fighting together which provided a mutual feeling of belonging.
When was the socialist occupation of the factories ? Who was involved ? And how long did it last ?
Sep 1920
400,000 Metal workers / engineering workers in the northern industrial cities ( Milian, Turin, Genoa )
Nearly a month
What was Giolittis tactics toward the socialists during the red years ?
Non violence, encouraging businesses to give shares in their companies and pressuring Italys banks to not provide money for companies who would not negotiate with the striking workforce.
How many seats did the facists win in the 1919 vs 1921 election ?
0 vs 35
By 1922 how large had the PNF grown to ?
320,000 members and nearly 1/2 million workers had joined facist trade unions.
What did the PSI fail in doing in 1922 ?
24 h strike - this was an attempt by the PSI and PCI to encourage further pressure on the political system, but workers didn’t support this move and were tired of strike action
M takes credit- Encourages myth that it is PNF who spares Italy from revolution. Indeed when workers did go on strike, facist volunteers kept public services running.
By spring 1921 which provinces did facists control ?
Emilia and Tuscany ( police looked the other way when squadrismo has crushed the socialist power in these provinces)
What Russian phrase were the middle class afraid of ( socialism )
Worried there would be a ‘bolshlevik’ ( seizure of power ) like in Russia.
During 1919 how many workers took part in strikes ?
Over 1 million
Was what the attitude to elites in Mussolinis initial programme in 1919 ?
Anti clerical and wanted the consfication of church property / remove noble titles (eliminate all titles based on caste or class, among others.)/wanted a republic (end of monarchy ).
what was Mussolinis initial programme in 1919 like in relation to industry/workers ?
8 h working day / a minimum wage / confiscation of profits fom comapanies that had made large profits during the war/ participation of workers representatives in the functions of industry commisions/ reorganisation of the railways and the transport sector under gov
When did Mussolini form the Fasci di Combattimento ?
23 March 1919
Mussolini gave two speeches at the meeting on 23 March 1919, which contained a catch-all series of proposals intended to appeal to both the Left and the Right
What was Mussolinis initial programme in 1919 like in relation to foreign policy ?
Peaceful but competitive/abolition of compulsory military service/ opposition towards militarism/ Revision of all contracts for military provosions.
Although, for the Right, Mussolini endorsed nationalist claims over Fiume and Dalmatia. Also early on Mussolini describes camraderie felt by those in the trenches - trincerocrazia. He argued that it was the trincesti (the retured soldiers) , who had the strength and moral right to destroy the liberal state and lead a new Italy that would reproduce the patriotic feeling of togetherness they had experienced in the war.
What was Mussolinis new programme ?
Much more conservative and right wing. Considerably more popular with Italian popuation
How did Mussolinis attitude to the elites change by 1921 ?
New programme dropped any mentions of removing the monarchy and attacking the power of the Pope and wanted to settle the Roman question on acceptable terms to the pope/ no mention of removal of noble titles