Growth And Development Flashcards
What Happens In The Infant Stage?
~ Rapid physical development ~ Crawling and walking ~ Grabbing and learning to eat ~ Talking and teething ~ Developing stable sleeping patterns
What Is The Definition Of Growth And Development?
An ongoing process from the moment of fertilization until death. It occurs in a sequence order and pattern. Infant: Birth - 1yr Toddler: 1yr - 3yrs Preschool: 3yrs - 6yrs Middle Childhood: 6yrs - 8yrs Late Childhood: 8yrs - 12yrs Adolescence: 12yrs - 18yrs Young Adulthood: 18yrs - 40yrs Late Adulthood: 65+yrs
What Reflexes Develop In The Infant Stage? (Birth - 1yr)
~ Moro Reflex
~ Rooting Reflex
~ Grasping Reflex
What Is The Moro Reflex? (Infant Stage)
Occurs when an infant is startled by a loud noise. The arms are
thrown apart, the legs extend and the head throws back.
What Is The Rooting Reflex? (Infant Stage)
Stimulated when the infant’s cheek is touched. The infant’s head
turns in the direction of the touch. This is necessary for feeding.
What Is The Grasping Reflex? (Infant Stage)
Occurs when the infants palm is stimulated causing the fingers to
close around the object
What Happens In The Toddler Stage? (1yr - 3yrs)
~ Potty training
~ Tolerating separation
~ Master eating and drinking
~ By the second year you can see if they are left or right handed
~ Speech and language skills increase
~ Play alongside others but not with them
~ Express independence
What Happens In The Preschool Stage? (3yrs-6yrs)
~ Grow taller but gain a little weight
~ Increase ability to communicate
~ Perform self care activities
~ Learn gender differences
What Happens With 3yr Olds Development?
~ Vocabulary of about 1,000 words ~ Ask why ~ Can share and take turns ~ Imaginary friends are common ~ Develop gender specific roles while playing games ~ Concept of time develops
What Happens With 4yr Olds Development?
~ Vocabulary of 1,500 words ~ Ask a lot of questions ~ Exaggerate stories ~ Enjoy dress up ~ More social and play in groups of two or three ~ Express curiosity about sexuality ~ Ask about why genitals are different
What Happens With 5yr Olds Development?
~ Vocabulary of 15,000 words
~ Ask fewer questions but have more meaning
~ Want definitions of unknown terms
~ Like to play games but cheat to win
What Happens In Middle Childhood Stage? (6yrs - 8yrs)
~ Grow about 5cm per year ~ Social and physical skills needed for physical games ~ Develop a conscience and morals ~ Basic reading, writing and arithmetic ~ Baby teeth are lost
What Happens With 6yr Olds Development?
~ Can be described as bossy
~ Have a best-friend
~ Tattling is common
What Happens With 7yr Olds Development?
~ More serious
~ Less stubborn
~ More aware of themselves
What Happens With 8yr Olds Development?
~ Peers are important, Being accepted and included are vital
~ Get along with adults but prefer to be with children
~ Can be described as defensive, opinionated and practical
~ Gives advice freely but doesn’t accept criticism well
~ More daring ( May pass notes in class)
What Happens In Late Childhood Stage? (9yrs - 12yrs)
~ Boys grow 2.5cm and girls grow 5cm per year
~ Develop lasting relationships
~ Learn to depend on themselves
~ Girls mature more quickly than boys (Physically)
~ Children at this age must be given correct factual informations
~ Be honest, complete answers
~ Boys and girls often tease each other
~ Question rules and rebelling is common
What Happens To Boys In The Adolescence Stage? (12yrs - 18yrs)
~ Grow between 10cm-41cm ~ Sex organs increase in size ~ Appearance of facial, pubic and axillary hair ~ Deepening of voice ~ Increase in neck and shoulder size
What Happens To Girls In The Adolescence Stage? (12yrs - 18yrs)
~ Grow between 5cm-23cm ~ Begin menstruation ~ Breast size increases ~ Appearance of pubic and axillary hair ~ Widening and rounding of hips ~ This is described at the awkward age ~ Become more independent from parents ~ Worry about fitting in ~ Can develop eating disorders ~ Thinking about careers (College & University) ~ Dating begins ~ Influenced by peers, media, family, culture
What Happens In The Young Adulthood Stage? (18yrs - 40yrs)
~ Little physical growth during these years, but psychological and social development continue
~ Still choosing education and occupation
~ Choosing a life partner : looking for personality traits, mature, same goals, financial security, best friend, age, have a job, family history, baggage, developmental satisfaction, sex life.
~ Marriage
~ Children
~ Steady income
What Happens In Late Adulthood? (65+yrs)
~ Adjusting to retirement ~ Lower income ~ Decreased physical strength and loss of health ~ Dealing with the death of a partner ~ Preparing for their own death