Growth and Development Flashcards
At which age is the brain fully developed?
development starts from the head moving down to the toes.
Head develops before feet
development starts from the center to the periphery
arms and legs develop before hands and feet
Which developmental years are associated with decreased BMI?
BMI decreases in preschool years (3 to 5)
What years are considered preschool?
3 to 5 years old
What percentile range would underweight fall under?
< 5th percentile
Which percentile range would normal weight fall under?
5% ≤ normal weight < 85 %
5th percentile to less than 85th percentile
Which percentile range would over weight fall under?
85% ≤ overweight < 95%
85th to less than the 95th percentile
Which percentile range would obesity fall under?
≤ 95%
Equal to or greater than the 95th percentile
What can cause a depressed (sunken) fontanel?
(lack of fluids, vomiting, diarrhea, etc)
What can be the cause of a bulging fontanel?
- Cephalhematoma (hematoma)
- Caput succedaneum (edema)
- Hydrocephalus (fluid buildup)
Caput succedaneum can cross suture lines
How would you elicit the rooting reflex?
When does the reflex disappear?
- Brushing the cheek or near the mouth.
- Begins to disappear 3 to 4 months, but can last up to 12 months.
How would you elicit the palmar grasp reflex?
When does the reflex disappear?
- Putting an object or examiners finger in infants palm
- Typically 5 to 6 months
How would you elicit the plantar grasp reflex?
When does the reflex disappear?
- pressing a thumb against the ball of the foot
- Typically 9 to 12 months
How would you elicit the babinski reflex?
When does the reflex disappear?
- Gliding up the lateral side of the foor and across the top to the big toe.
- Can last up to 18 months
How would you elicit the moro reflex?
When does the reflex disappear?
- lift the baby until the head drops down then dropping it or a loud noise.
- Typically disappears around 4 months
(startle reflex)
How would you elicit the tonic neck reflex?
When does the reflex disappear?
- When infant’s head is turned to one side, arm and leg extend on that side, and opposite arm and leg flex
- Typically disappears around 3 to 4 months
(fencing reflex)
How would you elicit the dancing/stepping reflex?
When does the reflex disappear?
- infant is held so that sole of foot touches hard surface, there is reciprocal flexion and extension of leg,
simulating walking - Typically disappears around 1 to 2 months
When can an infant begin to wave good bye?
10-12 months
What age range can a infant begin to roll over purposefully?
4-6 months
Which reflex is a precursor to rolling for infants
Tonic neck (fencing)
How would you elicit the crawling reflex?
When does the reflex disappear?
- When placed on abdomen, infant makes crawling movements with arms and legs
- Typically disappears around 6 weeks of age.
If a mother is breastfeeding, how can you be sure the baby is getting enough breast milk?
Diaper counts
When is the earliest solid foods should be introduced to an infant?
according to AAP
6 months
How should new foods be introduced to infants?
according to AAP
Begin w/ low allergy risk food (e.g., purred bananas) then wait 2 to 3 days for any reactions. If no reaction proceed to introducing other food.
What factors put a infant at risk for peanut allergeries
according to AAP
eczema (mild, moderate, persistant) or immeidate allergy reaction to other food
Consult provider or allergy evaluation
What age would oral hygiene be introduced?
Beginning at birth gum cleaning should be introduced.
By what age should an infant have seen a dentist?
Before turning 1
Recommendations (3) on juice during infancy
according to AAP
- Juice only served during meals or not at all.
- Not recommender under the age of 6.
- For infants 6 to 12 it should be diluted and limited to 4 oz/day
What are the recommended nutritional feeding times for a newborn?
Birth to 1 month
Every 2 to 3 hours
If bottle feeding (60 to 90 cc)
When does birth weight double?
Between 4 to 6 months
When does birth weight triple?
Between 10 to 12 months
When does the posterior fontanel close?
Between 6 to 8 weeks
When does the anterior fontanel close?
Between 1 to 3 years
When do infants begin play with their fingers?
Typically 2 to 4 months
When are infants able to recognize voice and turn their heads listen?
Typically 2 to 4 months
Developmental milestone:
When does “coo” occur?
On average 3 months
(2 to 4 months)
“coo” = 3 letters
When does separation anxiety typically begin?
Between 4 to 6 months
When do infants begin to reach for objects?
Typically 4 to 6 months
When does head lag typically disappear?
Between 4 to 6 months
When does the crude pincer grasp begin?
Typically 6 to 8 months
When does stranger anxiety begin?
Typically 6 to 8 months
When can an infant sit?
Typically 6 to 8 months
At 8 months sits independently
When does babble occur?
(e.g., da-da, ma-ma, ga-ga)
Typically 6 to 8 months
When does fine pincer grip occur?
Typically 8 to 10 months
When does object permanece occur?
Typically 8 to 10 months
When can an infant pull itself up in standing position
Typically 8 to 10 months
When does an infant begin to understand the meaning of “No”
Typically 8 to 10 months
When is head and chest circumference equal?
Typically 10 to 12 months
What age are infants abe to sit back down after standing?
Typically 10 to 12 months
When are infants able to speak approx. 3 to 5 words?
Typically 10 to 12 months
When does toilet training typically occur?
Typically 1 to 3 years (toddler)
When does BW quadruple?
When does physiological anorexia typically occur?
Typically 1 to 3 years (toddler)
↓ appetite due to ↓ growth; nutrition needs ↓
What is often the cause of regression in children?
Stress or hospitalizations
When does gender identity typically take place?
Between 3 to 5 years (preschool)
ability to label themselves as M or F
During what years do children typically take everything said as litteral meaning?
Between 3 to 5 years (preschool)
When is the last age range in which boys and girls are similar in proportion?
Typically between 6 to 12 (school age)
What are the three different age range classifications for adolescence?
- Early adolescence (12 to 14)
- Middle adolescence (15 to 17)
- Late adolescence (18 to 21)
Adolescence (12 to 21)
During what age group does risky behavior tend to occur (which age range is most turbulent time)?
Typically 15 to 17 (Middle adolescence)
What age is the prepubertal growth spurt for girls?
School Age (6-12)
What age is the prepubertal growth spur for boys?
School Age (6-12)
When is chest circumference > head
1 to 3 years
When would children typically have all their primary teeth?
End of the toddler years
(by the age of 3)
Which developmental age does the secondary teeth begin to occur?
6 to 12 years
(school age)
What is thelarche?
When does it typically occur?
- Thelarche (or breast budding) is normally the first physical sign of puberty in females
- occurs 1 year after the child’s growth spurt.
Tanner stage 1
What is adrenarche?
When does it occur in females?
the awakening of the adrenal gland
2-6 months after breast development (thelarche)
responsible for making sex hormones
What is menarche?
When does it typically occur?
First occurance of menstruation
Occurs 2 years after breast development (thelarche).
Tanner stage 4
Which tanner stage does peak height velocity occur in females?
Typically tanner stage 3
Lecture said 2 or 3
Which tanner stage does peak height velocity occur in males?
Tanner stage 4
Lecture states (3 to 5)
Piaget stages of cognitive development
When do children recgonize their self as agents of action?
*pulls a string to set mobile in motion *
sensorimotor stage
Birth to 2 years
Piaget stages of cognitive development
When does object permance occur?
sensorimotor stage
Birth to 2 years
Piaget stages of cognitive development
When are children egocentric?
difficulty taking the viewpoint of others
pre-operational stage
2 to 7 years
Piaget stages of cognitive development
When are children egocentric?
difficulty taking the viewpoint of others
pre-operational stage
2 to 7 years
Which age range would chest circumference < head circumference
Birth to 10 months
10-12 months chest = head
Piaget stages of cognitive development
When do children begin classifying objects by features ?
grouping red objects together or square objects
pre-operational stage
2 to 7 years
Piaget stages of cognitive development
When do children begin classifying objects by features ?
grouping red objects together or square objects
pre-operational stage
2 to 7 years
Piaget stages of cognitive development
When do children begin classifying objects by features ?
pre-operational stage
2 to 7 years
Piaget stages of cognitive development
When do children begin magical thinking ?
pre-operational stage
2 to 7 years
Piaget stages of cognitive development
When does conservation and reversibility occur?
Concrete stage
7 to 11 years
Piaget stages of cognitive development
When does abstract thinking and inductive/detuctive reasoning occur?
Formal operational stage
12 to 21 years
Erikson’s Developmental Stage of Development
What age does Trust vs. Mistrust occur?
Birth to 1 year
Erikson’s Developmental Stage of Development
What age does Autonomy vs. Shame & doubt occur?
1 to 3 years
Erikson’s Developmental Stage of Development
What age does Initative vs. Guilt occur?
3 to 5 years
Erikson’s Developmental Stage of Development
What age does Industry vs. Inferiority occur?
6 to 12 years
School age
Erikson’s Developmental Stage of Development
What age does Identity vs. Role Confusion occur?
12 to 21 years
When can an infant begin to wave good bye?
10-12 months
What age range would infants be able to hold objects (e.g., rattles)
2 to 4 months
Which age range do infants begin to bang objects?
6 to 8 months
At which age range are infants able to begin creeping?
moving on their hands and knees
8 to 10 months.
At which age is parallel play seen?
1 to 3 years
play alongside an infant, but not engaging w/ them
When are children typically able to begin speaking 2000 words?
When do sleep transition objects become important
When does body modesty typically begin to occur?
Which tanner stage does gynecomastia, voice break, and does muscle increase in males?
Tanner Stage 3