Growth Flashcards
Real Income/ GDP
The most reliable measure as it meausre changes in actual output and can be easily measured. `
Productive Capacity
Measures changes in potential output. Does no mean the economy is acutally producing this much.
Net Social Welfare
Measures output alongside change in non-economic facotrs (HDI) but these can diffucult to measure.
Sunrise and Sunset
Economic groth will benefit sunrise industries but will be of least benefit to the sunset industries facing a in sales and prfoit.
Injections (5)
Any flow enetring the economy. Governemt spedning Transfer payements Loans for investment Intrest recieved Export receipts.
Withdrawals (5)
Any flow leaving the economy. Indirect tax Direct tax Savings Interest paid Import payments
Injections and Withdrawals
When injectsion increase and exceed withdrawals, economic growth increaases. When withdrawals increase and exceed injections, growth decreases.
Impacts postive
Increases standard of living Income/ employment profits More effcient use of resources Increased tax revenue Goods/ services available Better working conditions from better tech
Impacts negative
Increase in spending on regulation & monitoring resource use Resource depletion Pollution Congestion Environmental impact Overcrowding Inequality/uneven impact Inflation House prices increasing
Human investment
Investment in the qaulity and/or quanity of the workforce.
Physical investment
Investment in capital goods and. or resources
Nominal GDP
The value of all goods and services produced in a year using current year price levels.
Real GDP
The value of all goods and services produced in a year using constant/ base year price levels.
Answering format (Demand)
S= Situation C= Component (Consumption spending, Investment spending, Government spending, net export) R= Reason/ explanation A= Affected (Ad1 to Ad2) P= Prices level (PL1 to PL2) P= Production (real GDP) (Y1 to Y2) Economic growth increase or decrease
Answering format (Supply)
What caused the shift and explain
Revenue unchanged, profit margin, profitability
How producers would react (increasing prices on output to maintain profit margins)
quantity supplied at each and every price level
Affected (AS 1 to AS2)
Prices level (PL1 to PL2)
Production (real GDP) (Y1 to Y2)
Growth increase/ decrease
Reasons for aggregate supply shift
Cost of production
Cost of imported raw materials
indirect taxes
interest rates in nz
Consumption spending
Transfer payments (increased) Consumer confidence
Disposable income (increased) Income tax (reduced) Interest rates (decreases) Price expectations
Investment spending
Producers spending on capital goods
Business confidence
Interest rates (decrease) Government policy (budget, policy on trade)
Government spending
Spending by the govt, their budget (roads, education ,health care etc)
Transfer payements towards households so they can spend money
Net exports
Foreign Tourist are export receipts (foreign currency)
Import payments
Export receipts for goods and services
Tariffs (tax on imported goods to protect local industry)
Increase in the production of economic goods and services, compared to one period of time to another.
Human Development Index
Measure and compare a country is social and economic development with those of other countries.
Health (Life expectancy at birth)
Education (expected years of schooling)
Income levels
Limitations (Summary) (7)
Happiness and Wellbeing eg. number of hours worked
Non-Market activates eg. ignore volunteer, unpaid work
Environment factors eg. dos not count for the payment need to replace damage stuff, like oil spills.
Shadow income eg. black market
Sustainability growth e.g over expoloting natural resources
Makeup of GDP eg. consumption of GDP my be different
Inequality eg. rising income, increases the gap
Household and Financial Sector
Financial: Depends on the household for savings
—- More savings increase loans for investment for producers.
Household: Depends on Financial for interest