Grower Pigs and Pet Pigs Flashcards
What are the requirements of fitness to travel?
Pigs must be able to load and unload themselves
Pigs must be able to support their weight on four legs
Pigs must not have any open wound
Which groups of pigs are considered NOT fit to travel?
Piglets < 3wks
Sows < 1wk farrowed
Sows > 100d in pig
What are the 10 DDx for resp. disease in grower pigs?
Enzootic pneumonia PCV2 / PMWS Glasser's PRRS APP Pasturella multocida Swine influenza Strep spp. Progressive Atrophic Rhinitis Salmonella
What is the causal agent of enzootic pneumonia?
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae
What is the causal agent of APP?
Actinobacillus pleuropneumonia
What are the 7 DDx for GIT disease in growers and the causal agents of the infectious DDx?
- Swine dysentry - Brachyspira hydoysenteriae
- Spirochaetal colitis - Brachyspira pillosicoli
- PHE = porcine haemorrhage enteritis - Lawsonia intracellularis
- Nutritional scour
- GI ulceration
- GI volvulus
- Rectal prolapse
What are the two main parasites seen in growers and what do they cause?
Ascaris suum = respiratory disease & milk spot liver
Trichuris suis = irritative colitis
What is the main skin disease of growers?
Erysipelothrix rhusiopathie = diamond skin disease
What is a pigs normal temp?
< 39.5 degrees
What are the four basic Tx protocols for pet pigs?
- erysipelas vaccination 2x/yr
- clostridial vaccination 2x/yr
- parasite control with ivermectin 2x/yr OR benzimidazoles 4x/yr
- Fe injection for piglets
What are the two options for euthanasia of pigs?
a. Gun - free bullet or captive bolt
b. barbiturate injection - intra-cardiac on the L for small pigs, ear veins blow easily, can try veins in groin, sedate first with stresnil