Groups ; Marriage & Family Flashcards
What are the 5 types of therapeutic groups?
- Psycho educational
- Task
- Counseling
- Therapy
- Self-help/Support
Psycho educational Groups:
instructional groups designed to provide info about particular problems or disorders or teach adaptive skills.
What are examples of Psycho educational groups?
rehab, substance abuse
Task Groups:
organized to solve a particular problem
What are some examples of Task Groups?
bullying, truency, advocacy
Counseling Groups:
designed to help resolve conflict, promote self awareness and insight, help individual members eliminate self defeating behaviors.
ALWAYS led by a trained professional!
The members of what group usually DO NOT have significant psychopathology.
counseling groups
Therapy Groups:
Similar to counseling groups- however problems tend to be more severe. Tend to take place in more clinical settings. May require longer treatment and analysis. Tend to be more structured than counseling groups.
Self help/Support Groups:
Often not lead by a trained pro. The purpose is to provide emotional and social support, develop new ideas about coping with a common issue.
What are examples of Self help/Support Groups?
AA/NA, Breast Cancer Survivors, Parents with Children who have Autism
Advantages of Group Work:
Cost Efficiency Spectator Effects Feedback Support Practicing new skills in a safe environment Stimulation value
Disadvantages of Group Work:
Confidentiality is hard to maintain.
Group pressure can be distressing
Less time for client
Counselors having less experience within a group.
“Dual Relationship” concerns
Not for people who are easily intimidated, manipulative, or insensitive.
What are the 5 Stages of the Group Process?
- Forming Stage
- Initial Stage
- Transitional Stage
- Working Stage
- Closing Stage
Forming stage:
choosing members, screening participants
Initial stage:
intros, ground rules, establishing norms
Transitional Stage: aka storming
norms and personalities confronted
Working stage:
members address issue, confront, grow
Closing stage:
closure of relationships, resolve issues, maintain momentum
Systems Theory:
a complex of component part that are independent and interconnected with mutual causality.
Key Concepts of Family Therapy:
Organization Communication Rules Homeostasis Open v. Closed Change
Each type of family system exhibits what?
Structure Power/Rules Communication Conflict Emotion How Children Leave Home
What are the 4 types of family systems?
Traditional (Repressed)
Fighting (Delinquent)
Frightened (Enmeshed/Suicidal)
Healthy Family
Tendency of a system to maintain a steady state or emotional state.
Open Systems:
exchange energy, info or material with the external environment
Closed Systems:
admit nothing-nothing leaves
What are the processes of Marriage Counseling?
Determining the type of treatment
Goals of treatment
Treatment process
Treatment Process:
Variety of approaches/methods
Most approaches are modifications of individual approaches.
Most approaches use a conjoint process.
Goals of Treatment for Marriage Counseling
Increase communication
Decrease unproductive fighting