Groups and Team Flashcards
Informal group
- Three or more people with a common relationship
Formal team
- Three or more people who work closely together towards a common objective
- Necessary characteristics:
- Shared leadership
- Shared purpose or mission
- Team members are accountable to one another.
- Continuous
- Effectiveness measured at collective level.
Team development (The 5 stage model)
- Forming
- Storming
- Norming
- Performing
- Adjourning
- Period of testing and learning
- Evaluate benefits and costs of membership
- Feelings of discomfort
- Establishing trust, relationships, purpose, goals and expectations
Members start to communicate their feelings but still view themselves as individuals rather than part of the team. They resist control by group leaders and show hostility as they compete for roles.
* Questioning team direction, leadership roles, opinions/decisions, objectives
* Fosters decision making and conflict resolution process.
People feel part of the team and realize that they can achieve work if they accept other viewpoints
* Convergence on team mental model
* Becomes a cohesive unit
* Norms, rules, and expectations clarified.
The team works in an open and trusting atmosphere where flexibility is the key and hierchy is of little importance.
* Mutual accountability
* Coordination
* Quality
* Trust
The team conducts an assessment of the project and implements a plan for transitioning roles and recognizing members’ contributions.
Individual issues
- How do I fit in?
- What’s my role here?
- What do the others expect of me?
- How do I best perform?
- What’s next?
Group Issues
- Why are we here?
- Who’s in charge and who does what?
- Can we agree on roles and work as a team?
- Can we do the job properly?
- How do we disband?
Issues with the 5-stage model
- Teams don’t always proceed clearly from one stage to the next
- Teams can also move backwards.
- Ignores organizational context (swift trust)
Punctuated Equilibrium Model: Phase 1- group meets
The first meeting sets the group’s direction Direction tends to be written in stone. The first phase of group activity is one of inertia nobody really does what they are supposed to
Punctuated Equilibrium Model: Phase 1.
Initial Impact on team
You will decide early on a topic- and stick with it
Put some thought into it!
You will divide the tasks
But nobody will deliver
Many non-productive meetings
Punctuated Equilibrium Model : Phase 1.
Initiates major change
Happens approximately mid-way through a project
Will be a burst of activity, followed by inertia
Impact on the team:
About now you will start to panic about your project
You may change your topic
You’ll have lots of questions for the professor
Issues will be resolved
Punctuated Equilibrium Model: Phase 2
Another (smaller) round of inertia
Plans made during the transition will be carried out
Final meetings will be very productive
Impact on the team:
A new plan (goals, timelines, distribution of work, etc.) will be implemented
Things will get done
One final push right before the deadline
Punctuated Equilibrium Model: Phase 2
Team identity development
When employees shift their view of the team from them to us. Making the team a part of their social identity and shaping the team to better fit their prototype of an ideal team.
Punctuated Equilibrium Model: Phase 2
Team effectiveness (performance):
The capacity a team has to accomplish the goals or objectives administered by an organization
An effective team is one in which the team produces more than the sum of its parts (collective contributions are more than the sum of individual member contributions)
Aiming for process gain> process loss
Characteristics of effective teams
- Clear purpose
- Informality
- Participation
- Listening
- Civilized disagreement
- Consensus
- Decisions
- Open communication
- Clear rules and work assignments
- Shared leadership
- External relations
- Style diversity
- Self-assessment
Team Effectiveness Model:
Organizational and team environment
- Rewards
- Communication
- Resources
- Org. leadership
- Physical space
Team Effectiveness Model: Composition
- Skills
- Team size
- Diversity
- Personality
Team Effectiveness Model: Team Processes
- Common purpose
- Team norms
- Mental models
- Team trust
Team Effectiveness Model: Work Design
- Autonomy
- Skill variety
- Task significance
- Task identity
Task Characteristics
Is the work complex and divisible?
Are there well-structured tasks to be completed?
Does the task require interdependence?
Team Size
The most effective teams tend to have 5-9 members.
You should try to use the smallest number of people who can do the tasks.
Member Characteristics
- Skills, abilities, knowledge
- Personality
- Diversity
- Member preferences
Team Norms
- Acceptable standards of behaviour shared by their members that express what they ought and ought not to do under certain circumstances
- Types 1. Performance norms 2. Appearance norms 3. Social arrangement norms
Team Trust
Trust: positive expectations in situations involving risk
1. Calculus-based trust- sanctions for violations
2. Knowledge-based trust – confidence in another’s ability or competence.
3. Identification-based trust - mutual understanding and an emotional bond
(Team) Mental Models
knowledge and beliefs about how the work gets done (a “psychological map”)
What is shared:
* Equipment
* Execution
* Interaction
* Composition
* Temporal
Advantages of Teams
Complex work is performed better by dividing its tasks into more specialized roles, with people in those specialized jobs coordinating with each other.
Motivation and Teams
Reasons that teams are motivating to individuals:
* There is a drive to bond.
* Team members hold each other accountable.
* Co-workers can act as benchmarks for comparison.
Challenges of Teams
Work is better done by individuals when:
They have the necessary skills and abilities
Work cannot be easily divided
Work is not complex enough to benefit from specialization
Require minimal coordination
Process Loss
Resources (including time and energy) expended toward team development and maintenance rather than the task.
Teams divert time and energy away from performing the actual task to develop and maintain the team.
Brooke’s Law
Adding more people to a late software project only makes it later
The process loss problem is particularly apparent when the team adds or replaces more people.
Social loafing is less prevalent when:
- The task is interesting
- The team’s objective is important
- A team’s members value their membership in the team and believe in the team’s objectives.
Misconceptions about teams
- It’s good to mix it up
- Bigger is better
- Face-to-face interaction is passe
- It all depends on the leader
- Teamwork is magical
Social Loafing
It’s what happens when someone puts in less effort when they’re judged as part of a group.
Groups Decision-Making
- Groups tend to be more creative than individuals
- Groups tend to be more accurate than the average individual *However, the most accurate person tends to do better than the group
- Groups come up with more widely accepted decisions than individuals
Groups Decision-Making Cons
- Groups tend to be slower at making decisions than individuals
- Groups can be much less efficient than individuals
When determining whether something should be decided by a group, you should weigh the increased effectiveness against the decreased efficiency
The pressure within a group for conformity can stop group members from critically thinking about minority ideas/views.
The Ash Experiment “Which line is the same size”
Managing Groupthink
Make sure groups don’t get too big
Listen to everyone- and start with the lowest-status person in the room
Assign someone to the role of devil’s advocate.
Group shift
Group decisions tend to exaggerate the initial positions of individual members (so you end up with more extreme decisions)
* Emphasizing in-group vs. out group
* Diffusion of responsibility
* The more something is discussed the more people become comfortable with one another.
Generating Ideas as a group
groups try and come up with as many different ideas as they can, and there is no criticism of ideas while they’re being generated
Generating Ideas as a Group-
Nominal Group technique
- Individuals come up with ideas independently
- Next, individuals take turns presenting one idea at a time
- The group discusses the clarity of the idea
- Individuals independently rank all the ideas
- The idea with the highest aggregate score is the winner