Attitudes, values, and perceptions Flashcards
Types of Attitudes
- Cognitive- beliefs and opinions
- Affective- feelings, sentiment, moods, and emotions
- Behavioral- intention to act a certain way
- Job Satisfaction
-A person’s evaluation of his or her job and work context “I am satisfied with my job.
* Work environment ( the work itself, coworkers, supervision, interdependence),
* Individual differences (core self-evaluation, affect)
* pay advancement opportunities but not necessarily pay
Job involvement and engagement
- The degree to which an employee identifies with there job, actively participates in it, and considers performance important to self-worth
- an individual’s involvement with, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm for the work s/he does
Perceived organizational support
-The degree to which employees believe the organization values their contributions and cares about their well-being
-Supported by fair rewards, feeling heard and like you have influence, supportive leaders/supervisors
- Organizational commitment
The degree to which an employee identifies with a particular organization and its goals, wishing to maintain membership within the organization
Affective commitment
“I want to stay here” someone who loves animals wants to work at PetSmart
Normative commitment
“I should stay here” (e.g., leading projects)
Continuance commitment
“I need to stay here” (e.g., paycheck)
“contain a judgement element because they carry an individual’s ideas about what is right, good, or desirable”.
Task Performance
Behaviours that support organizational objectives can be individual or team
Organizational Citizenship behaviours:
-Discretionary behaviour that is not part of an employee’s formal job requirements but that contributes to the effective functioning of an organization
Counterproductive Work Behaviours
-Behaviours that have the potential to directly or indirectly harm the organization (production, property, political, personal aggression)
- Organizational efforts to attract and hire new employees
- Recruitment and selection are critical components of Human resource systems
- The rate at which employees leave a workplace and are replaced
-A pattern of behaviour in which an employee habitually misses work, unexcused lack of attendance
-An issue in which workers are on the job, but because of physical or mental illness, are not fully functioning
Job Satisfaction» Outcomes
- Satisfaction is likely to cause better performance, but higher performance does not predict satisfaction
o Positively correlated with OCBs and negatively correlated with CWBs - The relationship between satisfaction and turnover is stronger than between satisfaction and absenteeism
o You can find work satisfying and still want a 3-day weekend
Percieved organizational support > Outcomes
Organizational citizenship behaviour
Customers relations
Commitment > Outcomes
Affective commitment is related to higher performance
Normative is related to lower turnover
Continuance commitment is related to lower performance and high absenteeism
Lower continuance commitment =lower intention to quit
Cognitive Dissonance
-Discomfort arising from conflicting attitudes, beliefs, or behaviours.
o Try to reduce dissonance (by changing your attitude or behavior)
o Try to avoid situations/ information that elicit dissonance
Factors influencing it:
o Importance: Greater importance higher dissonance
o Rewards: Greater rewards lower dissonance
o Personal connections through family, friends colleagues, alumni, LinkedIn, Twitter?
o Person ( current & past experience; social connection e.g., clubs, sports, countries, etc.)
o Firm (recent news articles, annual report, key word search, role/team)
o Plan the conversation
o Open with social
o Articulate your why, interest in the firm and relevant
o Questions ( targeted, specific to their job and interests)
Perceptual Errors
Perception takes time and effort so we often take shortcuts
Contrast Effects
Our reaction to one person is often influenced by other people we have recently encountered
Self-fulfilling prophecy
A person will behave in ways consistent with how they are perceived by others
Halo Effect
Drawing a general impression about an individual based on single characteristic, such as intelligence, likeability, or appearance. The horn effect is when impressions are based on negative characteristics.
Anchoring Bias
People are over-reliant on the first piece of information that they hear. E.g the initial due date that is proposed is usually negotiated.
Bandwagon effect
The probability of one person adopting a belief increases based on the number of people who hold that belief. Are typically stronger when we are more connected to the people around us.
Choice supported bias
When you choose something, you tend to feel positive about it, even if that choice has flaws. Like how you think your cat is awesome even though it bites
Confirmation Bias
We tend to listen only to information that confirms our preconceptions- one of the many reasons it’s so hard to have an intelligent conversation about climate change.
The Ostrich effect
The decision to ignore dangerous or negative information by “burying” one’s head in the sand like an ostrich. Turning a blind eye to something negative
Recency Bias
The tendency to weigh the latest information more heavily than older data. Investors often think the market will always look the way it looks today and make unwise decisions
Selective perception
Allowing our expectations to influence how we perceive the world.
Conditions for perceptual Bias
o Time pressure
o Cognitive load
o Low scrutiny
o Ambiguity
Links to Org Outcomes
People’s behaviour is based on their perception of what reality is… not on reality itself!
Job interviews
o Contrast effect
Attribution theory:
When individuals observe behaviour, they attempt to determine whether the cause is internal or external.
Do they behave similarly across situations?
would everyone in the same situation behave similarly?
How consistent is the behaviour across time?
Attribution Biases
When we are successful we focus on internal factors and when we fail we blame external factors = Self-serving bias
But this is reversed for others = fundamental attribution bias
Personal Identity:
Based on unique personal characteristics Interests, abilities, traits
Social identity
Based on the perception of belonging to various social groups or categories (Gender, nationality, occupation)
3 components
- Complexity- How many distinct and important roles or identities does a person have
- Consistency- How compatible are the person’s self-concept identities with each other and with the person’s personality, values, and other attributes?
- Clarity- to what extent does the person define him/herself clearly confidently, and consistently over time