Groups Flashcards
- string pressure if conformity, low anonymity, high level of ignorance -> came to disastrous conclusion
- group leader having massive impact, idea seems clear before discussion, people dont want to speak
up anymore
preventing group think
- leader not sharing opinion
- leader encourages brining up all ideas
- having someone specifically speaking against group idea
- discuss in subgroups first
- having experts in discussion
-> ensure that no communication breakdowns occurs
group polarization
biases; not considering alternative options even less after discussion
- different group members will have different reasons, having more reasons after group discussion -> shifting towards risky behavior
social facilitation
-> arousal for performance (mere presence of people raises arousal; drive hypothesis)
- in easy task arousal is supportive (getting better)
- in hard task arousal is not supportive -> mismatch -> performing worse (evaluation apprehension hypothesis; fear of being evaluated by capable audience)
-> performance depends on task and needed arousal level
social loafing
(remember rope tossing experiment)
- the more people tossing, the less strength used (motivation lose)
- also includes coordination loss (shown when done with real group)
-> harder to judge input/efforts when being in group (not doing our best anymore)
reducing social loafing
- making everyone noticeable/evaluator so no one can slack off
- smaller groups making slack offs more visible
predictors for loafing
- single gender group; men tend to do more social loafing
- mixed gender; men work harder to not look stupid against females
- trying harder when working with friends to not disappoint them
- importance of task (might even lead to social compensation; increasing efforts to compensate others)
- cultural values