Group Cohesion & Group and Team Dynamics Flashcards
Why Study Groups?
Almost any position in the sport and exercise
field requires understanding of the processes
and dynamics of groups
What Is a Group?
Two or more people who interact and exert mutual influence on each other and share the following characteristics: ◦ A collective sense of identity ◦ Distinctive roles ◦ Structured modes of communication ◦ Group norms
Collective sense of identity
“we-ness” rather than “I-ness”
Distinctive roles
All members know their job
Structured modes of communication
Lines of communication
Social rules that guide members on what to do and not do
The Linear Perspective
Familiarisation, formation of interpersonal relationships,
development of team structure
Rebellion, resistance to the leader and to control by the
group, interpersonal conflict
Development of solidarity and cooperation; group conflicts resolved
Channeling of energies for team success
The Cyclical (Life Cycle) Perspective
Development of groups is similar to the life cycle—birth,
growth, and death.
Emphasis is on the terminal phase of the group’s existence.
As the group develops, it psychologically prepares for its own breakup.
This model is especially relevant for groups and teams that last 10 to 15 weeks.
The Pendular Perspective
Shifts occur in interpersonal relationships during the growth and development of groups. Groups do not progress through linear phases. Stages of group development ◦ Orientation ◦ Differentiation and conflict ◦ Resolution and cohesion ◦ Differentiation and conflict ◦ Termination
Group roles
Involve behaviors required or expected of a person
occupying a certain position.
Formal roles
(e.g., coach, instructor, captain) are dictated by the
nature and structure of the organisation.
Informal roles
(e.g., enforcer, mentor) evolve from the group’s
dynamics or interactions among group members.
Role conflict
Exists when role occupant does not have sufficient ability, motivation, time, or understanding to achieve the goal.
Group norms
◦ A norm is a level of performance, pattern of behavior, or belief.
◦ Leaders need to establish positive group norms or standards (especially
standards or norms of productivity).
◦ Positive norms are important to establish
Social support
Mutual respect and support enhance team climate.
Closer contact between members promotes team
The more distinctive the group feels, the better
the climate.
The functions of social support
- Provides appraisal, information, reassurance, and companionship
- Reduces uncertainty during times of stress
- Aids in mental and physical recovery
- Improves communication
Seven Types of Social Support
- Listening support
- Emotional support
- Emotional-challenge support
- Reality-confirmation support
- Task-appreciation support
- Task-challenge support
- Personal-assistance support
Steiner’s model
◦ Actual productivity = potential productivity − losses due to faulty group processes.
◦ Losses result from motivation and coordination
How Individual Skills Relate to Group Performance
The greater the need for cooperation and interaction in a task, the more the importance of individual ability decreases and the importance of group productivity increases.
Ringelmann effect
The phenomenon by which individual performance decreases as the number of people in the group increases
Social loafing
When individuals within a group or team put forth less than 100% effort due to loss of motivation
Conditions That Increase Social Loafing
- An individual’s output cannot be independently evaluated.
- The task is perceived to be low in meaningfulness.
- An individual’s personal involvement in the task is low.
- A comparison against group standards is not possible.
- Other individuals contributing to the collective effort are strangers.
- Teammates or coworkers are seen as high in ability.
- Individual team members perceive their contribution to the outcome as redundant.
- The individual is competing against what he or she believes to be a weaker opponent.
The desire for group success
A team-oriented motive or goal, the basis of which is the team members’ desire to derive pride and satisfaction from the team if it is successful in accomplishing its goals
Facilitate smooth transitions for teams
◦ Clarify role differentiation.
◦ Increase individual awareness of disengagement.
◦ Facilitate group interaction.
◦ Negotiate closure and new group development.
A dynamic process reflected in the tendency for a group to stick together and remain united in the pursuit of its
instrumental objectives and/or for the satisfaction of member affective needs
Task cohesion
The degree to which group members work together to achieve common goals and objectives
Social cohesion
The interpersonal attractions among group members
Measuring Cohesion
Group integration —task subscale
Group integration —social subscale
Individual attraction to group —task subscale
Individual attraction to group- social subscale
Group integration —task subscale
Our team is united in trying to reach its goals for performance
Group integration —social subscale
Members of our team do not stick together outside of practicing and games
Individual attraction to group —task subscale
I don’t like the style of play on this team
Individual attraction to group- social subscale
Some of my best friends are on the team
The Cohesion–Performance Relationship
Cohesion is positively related to performance. The relationship was traditionally thought to depend on several factors. Recent research has shown which of these factors do influence the cohesion– performance relationship
Circular relationship
Increased cohesion leads to greater performance and brings teams together, which leads to still more cohesion.
Team satisfaction
Increased cohesion is related to increased satisfaction.
The more cohesive a group is, the greater its pressure to conform to the attitudes and behaviors of the group.
More cohesive exercise classes have better attendance, are more likely to arrive on time, are less likely to drop
out, are more resistant to disruption, are more likely to experience positive affect related to exercise, and have
stronger efficacy for exercise
Social support
There is a positive relationship between the social support an individual receives and that person’s evaluation of group cohesion.
Teams higher in cohesion can better resist disruption; teams staying together longer tend to be more cohesive
Relationship between cohesion and performance is stronger for women than for men.
Building Cohesion
Exercise settings
Exercise classes with high feelings of group cohesion have fewer dropouts and late arrivals than do classes low in cohesion
Sport settings
Team-building exercises, clear and meaningful roles, team goals, communication, and personal sacrifice are related to increased cohesion.
Leader strategies
• Communicate effectively. • Explain individual roles in team success. • Develop pride within subunits. • Set challenging team goals. • Encourage group identity. • Avoid formation of social cliques. • Avoid formation of social cliques. • Employ transformational leadership • Avoid excessive turnover. • Conduct periodic team meetings. • Enhance team efficacy • Get to know others; enhance personal disclosure
Group member strategies
- Get to know members of the group.
- Help group members whenever possible.
- Give group members positive reinforcement.
- Be responsible.
- Communicate honestly and openly with coach or leader.
- Give 100% effort at all times.