Group 6 Flashcards
Chái Hú

Chái Hú
Main ability:
Mainly treats:
Clinical Applications:
柴胡 - Bupleuri Radix - bupleurum
bitter, acrid, cool
disperse and unblock gall bladder and liver qi
Chest rib-side distress
Shao Yang pattern
Bàn Xià

Bàn Xià
Main ability:
Mainly treats:
Clinical applications:
半夏 - Pinelliae Rhizoma
acrid, warm, toxic
disperse and transform phlegm rheum
nausea at the presence of phlegm rheum
- Nausea/vomiting
- Abdominal bloating/borborygmus
- Chest pain - Cough
- Throat disorder
Rén Shēn

Rén Shēn
Actions & indications:
Mainly treats:
人蔘 - Ginseng Radix
sweet, slightly bitter, slightly warm
o Powerfully tonifies the primal qi
o Strengthens the spleen and tonifies the stomach
o Tonifies the lungs and augments the qi
o Generates fluids and stops thirst
o Benefits the heart qi and calms the spirit
tightening in the epigastric area (due to spleen/stomach weakness)
Dǎng Shēn

Dǎng Shēn
Chinese therapeutic actions:
黨蔘 - Codonopsis Radix
sweet, neutral
o Tonifies qi and strengthens the middle jiao
o Tonifies the lung
o Nourishes blood and promotes generation of body fluids
(May have originally been called Rén Shēn)
Huáng Qín

Huáng Qín
Main ability:
Mainly treats:
Clinical applications:
黃芩 - Scutellariae Radix - baical skullcap root
bitter, cold
clear heat/ministerial fire and dry dampness
pi (glomus) below the heart
- chest rib-side fullness
- nausea/vomiting, bitter taste in the mouth
- diarrhea/dysentery
- bleeding
- calming the fetus
Huáng Lián

Huáng Lián
Main ability:
Mainly treats:
Clinical applications:
黃連 - Coptidis Rhizoma
bitter, cold
clear heat and dry dampness
vexation palpitation in the heart due to heat
- glomus below the heart
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- abdominal pain
- bleeding
Lóng Gǔ

Lóng Gǔ
Main ability:
Mainly treats:
Clinical application:
龍骨 - Fossilia Ossis Mastodi - dragon bones, fossilized vertebrae and bones of the extremities (usually of mammals)
sweet, astringent, neutral
astringes and calms
stirring movement (dong 動)
- fright madness
- vexation restlessness
- insomnia
- spermatorrhea/leucorrhea
Mǔ Lì

Mǔ Lì
Main ability:
Mainly treats:
Clinical application:
牡蠣 - Ostreae Concha - oyster shell
salty, astringent, cool
softens and calms
stirring movement (dong 動) in the chest or abdomen
- fright madness
- vexation restlessness
- insomnia