Group 3. Diaspora Flashcards
A president that is close to the hearts of the Moros
President Diosdado Macapagal
Macapagal was pressing the claim through _______
“peaceful and diplomatic channels”.
The massacre of 64 Moro trainees in the rocky island of Corregidor
Jabidah Massacre
When did Jabidah Massacre happened
March 17, 1968
The training was part of the wider clandestine operation code named
Operation MERDEKA
Jabidah Massacre happened in the
rocky island of Corregidor
Operation Merdeka means
to set free/freedom
The lone survivor said that they were ordered shot because they refused to follow the orders to attack Sabah
Jibin Arola
Who was the man in charge of the Jabidah Massacre
Major Eduardo Martelino
Major Martelino was ____ by ethnic affiliation
Wife of Martelino
Safia or Safiya
adopted name of Martelino
Martelino proposed a _______ of Indo, Malay, and the Philippines
Pa-Malayan federation
Who was the AFP Chief of Staff
Gen. Romeo Espina
spearheaded the move to create an Islamic Republic of Mindanao in answer to the alleged systematic policy of the genocide, discrimination, and depossesion of land pursued vigorously by the government.
Datu Udtog Matalam
When was MIM proposed?
May 1, 1968