Group 3 Flashcards
A 7-month-old infant presents to an SLP for a swallow evaluation prompted by parental concerns related to the child coughing and choking frequently when swallowing thin liquids. The parents have attempted to feed the child small amounts of pureed foods, but the child spits them out.
Which of the following developmental milestones is a typically developing 7 month old most likely to demonstrate during a swallow evaluation?
A.Showing the ability to manipulate food
B.Creating vertical jaw movements
C.Using the rooting reflex when food is seen
D.Engaging tongue elevation patterns
Option (B) is correct. Using jaw movements to initiate chewing begins to emerge around 5 to 7 months, and it would be appropriate for the SLP to assess whether the child has begun to use this skil
It is most appropriate for a SLP to treat hyperadduction of the vocal folds by having the client
A.increase muscular effort through pushing or lifting while vocalizing
B.use light and gentle vocal-fold contacts
C.attempt quick onset of phonation
D.use drills with exaggerated contrastive stress on words
Option (B) is correct. Having the client use light and gentle vocal-fold contacts will help to reduce tension and thus would be effective in treating hyperadduction of the vocal folds. All of the other answer choices listed would serve to increase tension.
An SLP works with a patient who has severe dysphagia. The patient is on a pureed diet and honey-thick liquids. During treatment, the patient becomes tearful and expresses frustration. The patient says, “I feel like I’m not making any progress and I’m never going to eat normal food again. I hate this diet, and I hate doing therapy. I just want to give up.” The SLP responds by saying, “What you’re feeling is normal, and I understand. You’re doing everything you can right now to get better, and giving up isn’t the answer.” The SLP reaches across the table and places a comforting hand on the patient’s arm and has a caring facial expression.
Which of the following principles of counseling is the SLP primarily demonstrating? A.Showing congruence B.Having unconditional positive regard C.Offering the patient sympathy D.Providing emotional support
Option (A) is correct. The SLP is demonstrating congruence by using words and body language that match.
A transfer student is referred for a language evaluation. The student has spoken English for less than a year, and English is not the primary language used at home. To provide the student with culturally and linguistically appropriate service delivery, the student should be evaluated
A.using norms for standard English speakers the student’s native language
C.with the student’s parents present
D.based on formal assessments
Option (B) is correct. Assessment should be administered in the student’s native language for accurate results and appropriate service delivery.
Which of the following muscles is responsible for changing vocal pitch?
A.Posterior cricoarytenoid
C.Lateral cricoarytenoid
Option (D) is correct. The cricothyroid is responsible for changes in vocal fold pitch as it tenses the vocal folds.
Sensorineural hearing loss resulting from Ménière’s disease causes
A.a sudden hearing loss without warning
B.fluctuating levels of hearing loss
C.complete hearing loss at all frequencies
D.bilateral progressive hearing loss
Option (B) is correct. Ménière’s disease is a disorder of the inner ear and causes fluctuating hearing loss.
An SLP is evaluating a preschool child referred for concerns regarding stuttering. In which of the following areas is performance likely to be weaker in a preschooler who stutters than in a typical preschooler?
A.Hearing acuity
Option (C) is correct. Some young children who stutter present with concomitant language delay/disorder. School-based SLPs report that among the children to whom they provide stuttering services, a significant percentage are also receiving language services. Some studies with preschoolers and children in early elementary grades who stutter have shown evidence of group-level deficits in various aspects of language functioning. Thus, in a number of studies, a significant subset of children who stutter have shown language skills that are weaker than those of typical children.
Children with semantic-pragmatic language disorders often have difficulty learning deictic words because such terms
A.require an understanding of indirect directives
B.take the perspective of the communication partner
C.refer to object permanence
D.have many alternate forms
Option (B) is correct. Deictic terms are words whose meaning shifts depending on the point of view of the speaker; difficulties with such terms is a core feature of semantic-pragmatic language disorders.
How many continuing education hours are required across a three-year certification renewal period to maintain a Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech-Language Pathology?
A.10 contact hours
B.20 contact hours
C.30 contact hours
D.40 contact hours
Option (C) is correct. ASHA Certification Maintenance Standards require that all certificate holders (CCC-A and CCC-SLP) must accumulate 30 Certification Maintenance Hours (CMHs) of professional development during each three-year certification maintenance interval in order to maintain their ASHA Certificates of Clinical Competence.
During an evaluation, a 2½‑year‑old boy exhibits a lack of social reciprocity, an averted eye gaze, and repetitive motor mannerisms. The child’s behavior is most typical of which of the following?
A.Social‑pragmatic disorder
B.Autism spectrum disorder
C.Generalized developmental delay
D.Rett syndrome
Option (B) is correct. Autism spectrum disorder is the only one that includes all three of the characteristics described. The others may have one or another but not all three.
A patient is diagnosed with a cerebrovascular accident of the temporal lobe. The patient exhibits deficits in repetition, written expression, and auditory comprehension. In addition, literal paraphasias are noted. These findings are consistent with what type of aphasia?
Option (B) is correct. A temporal lobe stroke and the symptoms described are typical of a patient with conduction aphasia.
Alan, a 62-year-old, right-handed African American male, sustained a traumatic brain injury mostly affecting his right hemisphere and bi-lateral frontal lobes. Alan was hospitalized for 24 days before being discharged to an inpatient brain injury rehabilitation program. His spouse attends his initial evaluation sessions. The SLP reports impairments in memory, poor awareness of deficits, and some changes in his communication skills.
The SLP already has current information about Alan’s performance on a standardized language battery suggesting minimal impairments. Therefore, the SLP completes an evaluation of Alan’s functional communication skills. The SLP’s assessment involves testing his functional use of humor, facial expressions, nonverbal communication strategies, and understanding functional written materials. The SLP hopes to use this information to determine the impact of Alan’s impairments on his daily life.
The SLP determines that Alan would benefit from an external memory aid, specifically a memory notebook. The SLP wants to be sure that Alan can learn to use the aid but is concerned that because of his memory impairment, he will struggle to retain the basic information about how to use the aid. The SLP discourages Alan from guessing and intervenes with support before Alan can make a mistake when using the device.
Alan’s performance profile reveals which impairment typical to right hemisphere dysfunction?
B.Unilateral spatial neglect
Option (D) is correct. Anosognosia, the reduced awareness of deficits, is common after right hemisphere disorder.
Which of the following tools is most appropriate to evaluate Alan’s functional communication skills?
A.Western Aphasia Battery-Revised
B.Communication Activities of Daily Living-Second Edition
C.Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination-Third Edition
D.Test of Everyday Attention
Option (B) is correct. The CADL-2 is the best tool for evaluating functional communication skills in people with neurological communication disorders. It measures receptive and expressive language, as well as social use of language, gestures, and humor.
Which of the following cognitive rehabilitation practices is most appropriate for the SLP to use to help increase Alan’s success in learning basic information about his external memory aid?
A.Errorless learning
B.Attention process training
C.Method of vanishing cues
D.Expanded rehearsal
Option (A) is correct. The most appropriate practice for the clinician to use in this instance is errorless learning.
An elderly patient with multiple diagnoses including Parkinson’s disease (PD) presents to a home health SLP for treatment. The SLP recommends that the patient follow a mechanical soft diet with thin liquids, alternate bites and sips, take small bites, and have supervision when eating. Throughout the course of treatment, the patient exhibits a 12 percent weight loss with variable intake levels. To which of the following professionals is it most appropriate for the SLP to refer the patient?
A.A gastroenterologist, for possible feeding tube placement
B.A dietitian, for nutrition management
C.An ENTE N T specialist, for possible esophageal deficits
D.A neurologist, for assessment of progression of PD
Option (B) is correct. A dietitian will be able to assess caloric intake and recommend supplements and other ways for the patient to maintain a healthy weight.
A 6-year-old child who is a bilingual English-Spanish speaker produced the following statements during a speech-language assessment.
I cutted the finger. I played with her yesterday. She eated too much candy. You like ice cream? Maria is going? Father is happy. Buy a new car. Based on the sample, the speech-language pathologist should begin remediation by focusing on
A.adjectives and imperatives
B.irregular verbs
C.prepositional phrases
D.conjunctions and embedding
Option (B) is correct. Given the language sample, the child incorrectly recognizes the past tense forms of irregular verbs.
To best facilitate the functional and meaningful use of linguistic forms, a language-intervention program for a child with language impairments should
A.focus on comprehension tasks that are just above the child’s linguistic level
B.stress structured, game-like situations that use imitative tasks
C.present and elicit the forms in naturalistic contexts
D.stress imitation of the forms to be learned
Option (C) is correct. Naturalistic contexts—everyday situations—provide opportunities for the use of functional and meaningful linguistic forms.
An SLP working with a 45-year-old patient with acquired expressive communication deficits is emphasizing reengagement by focusing on realistic short-term goals of the patient’s choice. The SLP is primarily using which of the following approaches to therapy?
A.Life Participation Approach to Aphasia (LPAAL P A A)
B.Visual Action Therapy (VATV A T)
C.Supported Communication Intervention (SCIS C I)
D.Prompts for Reconstructing Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets (PROMPTP R O M P T)
Option (A) is correct. The Life Participation Approach to Aphasia (LPAAL P A A) has the overriding philosophy to maximize clients’ re-engagement in life and bases all decision making on the life concerns identified by the clients and their families.
Mr. Lewis, a fourth-grade teacher, has referred a 9-year-old student to the school speech-language pathologist (SLP) because he is concerned that the student’s speech is interfering with spelling performance. The SLP observes that the student substitutes the voiceless labiodental fricative for the voiceless interdental fricative in the word-final position and that the student reverses /s/ and /k/forward slash s forward slash and forward slash k forward slash in words such as “ask.” Which of the following areas needs to be considered first?
A.Auditory discrimination
B.Dialectal differences
C.Disordered phonological system
Option (B) is correct. An f/”th”f forward slash t h substitution as well as the reversal of “sk”s k in “ask” are common characteristics of a dialectal difference.
Of the following, which is generally the most appropriate treatment goal for clients who have had a laryngectomy?
A.Acceptance of the alaryngeal status
B.Production of an esophageal voice
C.Use of a voice prosthesis
D.Restoration of oral communication
Option (D) is correct. The ultimate treatment goal for clients who have had a laryngectomy is the restoration of oral communication, no matter how it is addressed.
Which of the following sets of minimal pair words best targets the phonological patterns of stopping of fricatives?
A.Sun and ton
B.Sip and ship
C.Star and tar
D.Shoe and shoot
Option (A) is correct. “Sun” and “ton” are minimal pair words, and substituting /t/forward slash t forward slash for /s/forward slash s forward slash is an example of the phonological process of stopping of fricatives.
Which dental condition is most likely to have a negative effect on articulation?
A.Class II malocclusion
B.Class III malocclusion
C.Missing maxillary lateral incisors
D.Missing mandibular central incisors
Option (B) is correct. A class III malocclusion has the most negative effect on articulation, as it can affect all anterior sounds.
The acoustic reflex is triggered in a person with typical hearing when the listener is exposed to a sound above approximately
A.85 dB HTL
B.130 dB HTL
C.1000 Hz
D.6500 Hz
Option (A) is correct. The acoustic middle ear reflex in a person with typical hearing usually occurs at about 85 dB HL.
Which of the following structures is a relay center for sensory information?
A.The reticular formation
B.The thalamus
C.The putamen
D.The hippocampus
Option (B) is correct. The thalamus is the major relay system for sensory information.
An SLP is working with a 30-month-old child who is at the one-word production level. The goal of treatment is to facilitate growth in play as a precursor to the acquisition of two-word semantic relationships. To achieve the goal, the SLP can best begin by facilitating
A.the use of pretend play, such as brushing a doll’s hair or feeding a doll with a bottle
B.the purposeful exploration of toys
C.exploration, by mouthing of toys
D.mean-end behaviors, such as pulling a string to get a toy
Option (A) is correct. The child needs to be encouraged to proceed to the two-word production stage, and the use of pretend play will encourage action/object two-word phrases such as “Feed baby” and “Brush hair.” All of the other answer choices involve behaviors that do not necessarily promote linguistic behaviors.
During a clinical swallow assessment by an SLP, a patient was noted to have the following symptoms.
An immediate cough after swallowing thin liquids
Prolonged mastication with regular-consistency foods
No coughing when fed thickened liquids
Postswallow residue
Which of the following recommendations is most appropriate for the patient in this situation?
A.Neuromuscular electrical stimulation
B.Modified barium swallow study
C.High-resolution pharyngeal manometry
D.Cervical auscultation of swallowing
Option (B) is correct. When reasonable suspicion of clinically significant dysphagia is present after a clinical examination and the cause is potentially undefinable without imaging, an imaging study is necessary; a modified barium swallow study is the only imaging study in the list.
Which of the following best describes the speech reception threshold (SRT)?
A.It is the intensity level at which spondee words are recognized at or near 100% of the time.
B.It is the lowest intensity level at which spondee words can be detected and recognized as speech.
C.It is the intensity level at which spondee words are recognized at least 50% of the time.
D.It is the lowest intensity level at which spondee words can be discriminated from one another.
Option (C) is correct. It includes the use of spondee words and recognition 50% of the time. Recognition 100% of the time is unrealistic and the reference to the lowest intensity level is too vague.
During an examination of his oral mechanism, an adult male is asked to pucker his lips and then to spread them into a wide smile.
This ability depends on the bilateral integrity of which of the following cranial nerves?
A.CN Vroman numeral 5?
B.CN VIIroman numeral 7?
C.CN IXroman numeral 9?
Option (B) is correct. CN VIIroman numeral 7 (the facial nerve) is the major nerve innervating the described physiological action of the lips.
Which of the following conditions is primarily characterized by premature closure of the sutures of the skull?
C.Deformational plagiocephaly
D.Positional plagiocephaly
Option (A) is correct. Craniosynostosis is a premature closure of one or more of the cranial sutures of the skull and can be associated with a cleft palate.
A 2-year-old child pronounces “bottle” as [baba]. Which of the following best describes the speech simplification process evident in this utterance?
Option (C) is correct. Reduplication is a multisyllable production different from the target (bottle) where the syllables are phonetically identical [baba].
Compensatory swallowing maneuvers and interventions are designed to mitigate a biomechanical impairment during the swallow; however, some of them have unintended consequences that have been documented in scientific literature. Which of the following swallow maneuvers has been found to produce cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) in patients with stroke or cardiovascular diseases?
A.Mendelsohn maneuver
B.Chin-down posture
C.Supraglottic swallow maneuver
D.Head rotation toward the weak side
Option (C) is correct. Chaudhuri et al. (2002) found that 86 percent of people with history of stroke and/or cardiovascular disease developed cardiac arrhythmias while performing the supraglottic or super-supraglottic swallow, including supraventricular tachycardia and premature atrial and/or ventricular contractions.
Mr. Aviz, a 62-year-old chemist, is recovering from hip-replacement surgery following a spontaneous fracture. The surgery was completed without complications. He is now in his second postoperative day, and his wife reports alterations in his memory and some confusion not previously noted. Which of the following is the most reliable screening instrument for the SLP to use in this case?
A.The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSEM M S E)
B.The Test of Problem Solving (TOPS-3)
C.The Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test (CLQT)
D.The Global Deterioration Scale (GDS)
Option (A) is correct. The MMSEM M S E is the only screening tool in the list appropriate for the age and condition described.