Group 2 Flashcards
When did the US Army begin?
14 June 1775
The army received it’s first real training from what former Prussian Officer in 1778?
Baron Fredreich von Steuben
What is the name of the document that originally governed the united states and was later replaced by the constitution?
The articles of confederation.
Who received the first Medal of Honor?
Private Jacob Parrott, 1863
Who is the only female to ever receive the Medal of Honor?
Dr. Mary E. Walker
What regulation covers the Total Army Sponsorship program?
AR 600-8-8
What form should be filled out during sponsorship?
DA form 5434
How soon after the DA Form 5434 is received should a sponsor be assigned?
10 days, unless declined.
What are the six elements of the sponsorship program?
Da form 5434, Welcome letter, ACS relocation readiness services, reception, orientation, in processing
What does the AR 600-20 cover?
Army Command Policy
What does SHARP stand for?
Sexual Harassment/Assault Response Prevention
What is the Army’s Slogan for the SHARP Program?
What does I AM STRONG stand for?
Intervene, Act, Motivate
What FM covers the duties, responsibilities and authorities of a NCO?
FM 7-22.7
What are the three different types of duties?
Specified, Directed, and Implied duties
How many SMA’s have there been?
14 including the current.
What year was the Sergeant Major of the Army established?
What AR covers the issue and sale of personal clothing?
AR 700-84
What is the FM for First Aid?
FM 4-25.11
What is the object of First Aid?
To stop bleeding, overcome shock, relieve pain, prevent infection
What is first aid?
It is the first care given to casualties before treatment by medical personnel can be made available
What are the life saving steps ? (ABC’s)
Open the Airway and restore breathing, stop bleeding, prevent shock
Name the 3 categories of heat injuries.
Heat Cramps, Heat Exhaustion, Heat stroke
What is ADP 5-0?
The operations process
What are the major mission command activities performed during operations?
planning, preparing, executing and continuously assessing
What are the seven steps in the military decision making process?
Receive the mission, mission analysis, course of action development, course of action analysis, course of action comparison, course of action approval, orders production, dissemination and transition.
What are troop leading procedures?
Receive the mission, Issue a Warning Order, Make a tentative plan, initiate movement, conduct reconnaissance, complete the plan, issue the order, supervise and refine the plan.
What are the three approaches to counseling?
Directive, non-directive and Combined
What are the three major categories of developmental counseling?
Event counseling, performance counseling, and professional growth counseling
What are the 4 stages of the counseling process?
Identify the need for counseling, prepare for counseling, conduct the counseling, and follow up
What are the attributes of an Army leader?
A leader of character, a leader with presence, and a leader with intellectual capacity.
When will Soldier’s wear their ID tags?
At all times unless otherwise directed by the commander.