Group 1 Flashcards
What is the FM for Map reading/Land Nav
FM 3-25.26
What are the basic colors of a map?
Black - Man made features. Red-brown - cultural reliefs, contour lines. Blue - water features. Green - Identifies vegetation. Brown - Identifies cultivated land. Red - populated areas, main roads. Other - special information.
Three types of contour lines.
Index, Intermediate, supplementary.
How many Mils are in one degree?
How many norths are on a military map?
True North, Magnetic North, Grid North.
What are the 5 major terrain features on a map?
Hill, Valley, Ridge, Saddle, Depression
What are the 3 minor terrain features?
Draw, Spur, Cliff
What are the 2 supplementary terrain features?
Cut, Fill
What is a map?
A map is a geographic representation of a portion of the earth’s surface, drawn to scale as seen from above.
How many mils are there in a circle?
6400 mils in 360 degrees
What is an azimuth?
A horizontal angle, measured in a clockwise manner from a north base line, expressing direction.
What are two ways to hold a compass.
Center hold, compass to cheek method.
What is the general rule for reading military grid coordinates?
Right and UP
The lensatic compass has a bezel ring, each bezel ring click is equal to how many degrees?
3, 120 fully rotated
What does the term FLOT mean?
Forward Line of troops
What FM covers drill and ceremony?
FM 3-21.5
What are the three marching steps used in drill?
15 inch step, 30 inch step, 30 inch step in double time.
What are two prescribed formations for platoons?
Line and column
What is the primary purpose of drill?
The purpose is for a commander or NCO to move his unit in an orderly manner and to aid in disciplinary training by instilling habits of precision.
What are the 4 rest positions that can be given at halt?
Parade rest, stand at ease, at ease and Rest..
What is the primary value of ceremonies?
To render honors, preserve tradition, and to stimulate Espirit de Corps
What is a review?
A military ceremony used to honor a visiting high ranking commander, or official, present decorations and awards, honor or recognize unit or individual achievements, or commemorate events
What are the two parts of most drill commands?
Preparatory command and Command of execution.
What is the AR for the Army weight Control Program?
AR 600-9
When does enrollment in a weight control program begin?
On the day that the soldier is informed by the unit commander that he or she has been entered into a weight control program.
What FM covers NBC operations?
FM 3-11
How many levels of MOPP are there?
There are 5 levels of MOPP?
What does JSLIST stand for?
Joint Servicce Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology
What does MOPP stand for?
Mission oriented protective posture
NBC hazards are classified into two types, what are they?
Immediate Hazards, Residual hazards
What is FM 3-7?
NBC Handbook
What forms do Chemical Agents come in?
Vapors, Solids, Liquids, and Gases
Soldiers in MOPP 4 may lose how much water per hour through presipiration?
1 quart or more.
What are the three levels of Decontamination?
Immediate, Operational, Thorough
What are the 3 types of nuclear bursts?
Air, Ground, and Subsurface
Chemical agents are classified by the U.S. into 3 categories, name them
Persistent, Non-Persistent, Dusty
What is the FM that covers PRT?
FM 7-22
What is the AR that covers physical fitness?
AR 350-1
What are the phases to the PRT program?
Initial conditioning phase, toughening phase, sustaining phase, and reconditioning
What are the 3 principles to PRT?
Precision, Progression, Integration
What are the 3 components to PRT?
Strength, Endurance, Mobility
How many types of PRT are there and what are they?
3, On ground, Off Ground, and Combatives
Preparation Drill
Bend and Reach, Rear Lunge, High Jumper, Rower, Squat Bender, Windmill, Forward Lunge, Prone Row, Bent-leg Body Twist, Push Up
What does ADP 7-0 cover?
Training Units and Developing Leaders
What is the institutional training domain?
NCOES, Tradoc
What is the operational training domain?
The operational training domain is the training activities organizations undertake at home station and combat training centers.
What are the Army’s principles of leader development?
Lead by example, develop subordinate leaders, create a learning environment for subordinate leaders, train leaders in the art and science of mission command