Groundwater flows to well Flashcards
maximum rate of pumpage that can be allowed while ensuring that water-level declines are kept with acceptable limits.
Groundwater yield
maximum pumping rate that can be supplied by a well without lowering the water level in the well below the pump intake
Well yield
maximum rate of withdrawal that can be sustained by an aquifer without causing an unacceptable decline in the hydraulic head in the aquifer
Aquifer yield
maximum rate of withdrawal that can be sustained by the complete hydrogeologic system in a groundwater basin without causing unacceptable declines in hydraulic head in the system or causing unacceptable changes to any other component of the hydrologic cycle in the basin
Basin yield
continuity equation
Continuity Equation
Inflow – Outflow = Change in volume
- Darcy flow in
- Recharge
- Exchange with SW
- Darcy flow out
- Evapotranspiration
- Exchange with SW
- Change in saturation (Variably saturated)
- Change in water level (Unconfined)
- Compressibility of the aquifer (Confined)
Change in volume
Relates to compressibility of materials, water and solid rock/grains
Specific Storage
What properties affect drawdown in an unconfined aquifer?
- Storativity
- Horizontal conductivity
- Vertical conductivity
- Specific yield
Phase 1 of the Neuman Solution
Drawdown is controlled by the Ss of the saturated part of the aquifer
Phase 2 of the Neuman Solution
Drawdown is controlled by the vertical conductivity of the aquifer
Phase 3 of the Neuman Solution
Drawdown is controlled by the specific yield of the aquifer
Assumptions for the Neuman’s Solution
1 Aquifer is unconfined
2. The vadose zone has no influence on the drawdown
3. Water initially pumped comes from the instantaneous release of water from elastic
4. Eventually water comes from storage due to gravity drainage of interconnected pores.
5. The drawdown is negligible compared with the saturated aquifer thickness.
6. The specific yield is at least 10 times the elastic storativity.
7. The aquifer may be—but does not have to be—anisotropic with the radial hydraulic conductivity different than the vertical hydraulic conductivity
-Rate of recovery dependent on
well geometry and Hydraulic conductivity
Rate of head fall in the piezometer =
Radial Darcy flow out of the piezometer
Slug tests are generally performed in what
2 kinds of slug tests
-Falling Head Slug Test
-Rising Head Slug Test
Limitations of Slug test
- Much smaller area of influence than a pump test:
o On the scale of meters
o Very local properties
o Important for contaminant movement - Different materials
o Low K – won’t recover fast enough
o High K – will recover too fast