GrossMotor/Reflexes Flashcards
Movement of tongue, mouth, and/or head toward stimulus when corner of mouth/lip are stroked
Forms during gestation, integrates at 3mos. Lack of interferes with exploration of objects and head control
Allows for searching/locating feed source
Strong, rhythmical sucking when finger/object place inside mouth with head in midline
Forms during gestation, integrates at 2-5mos. Lack of interferes with dvlpmnt of coordination of sucking, swallowing, and breathing
Allows for ingestion of nourishment
Complete flx of UE when infant’s forearms are grasped and pulled to sit
Forms during gestation, integrates at 2-5 mos
Enhances momentary reflexive grasp
When infant’s head is rapidly dropped backwards, arms ext/abd, hand opening, then arms flx/add
Forms during gestation, integrates at 4-6mos. Lack of interferes with head control, sitting equilibrium, and protective reactions
Protective response
Plantar Grasp
Toe flx when apply pressure on ball of foot
Forms during gestation, integrates at 9mos. Lack of interferes with putting on shoe because of toe clawing, gait, and standing/walking problems
Increases tactile input to sole of foot
Asymmetric Tonic Neck (ATNR)
Ext of extremities on face side, flx on skull side when fully rot infant’s head
Forms at gestation, integrates at 4-6mos. Lack of interferes with reaching and grasping, bilateral hand use, and rolling.
Promotes visual hand regard
Palmar Grasp
Finger flx when place finger/object in infant’s palm
Forms during gestation, integrates at 4-6mos. Lack of interferes with releasing objects
Increases tactile input on palm of hand
Tonic Labyrinthine-Prone/Supine
Increased extensor/flexor tone when place infant in supine/prone
Forms at gestation, integrates at 6mos
Facilitates total body extensor/flexor tone
Optical Head Righting
Upright positioning of head when infant held suspended vertically and tilt slowly to the side, forward, or backward
Forms at birth-2mos, does not integrate
Orients head in space
Complete ext of head, trunk, and extremities (Superman) when hold infant in horizontal prone suspension
Forms at 3-4mos, integrates 12-24mos. Lack of slows dvlpmnt of prone ext, sitting and standing. Early onset may indicate excessive tone or spasticity
Breaks up flexor dominance, facilitates prone ext
Symmetric Tonic Neck (STNR)
Flx of hips and knees when place infant in crawling position and extend head
Forms at 4-6mos, integrates 8-12mos. Lack of interferes with reciprocal crawling (move arms then legs in quadruped) and walking
Breaks up total extensor dominance, facilitates static quardruped position
Neck Righting
Log rolling entire body when place infant in supine and fully turn head to one side
Forms 4-6mos, integrates 5yrs
Maintains head/body alignment
Body Righting
Segmental rolling of the upper trunk when place infant in supine. flex one hip and knee toward chest and hold briefly
Forms at 4-6mos. integrates at 5yrs
Facilitates trunk/spinal rotation/alignment
Protective Ext Downward
Downward Parachute
Ext of LE when rapidly lower infant toward supporting surface while suspended vertically
Forms at 4mos, does not integrate. Lack of interferes with head protection when center of gravity displaced
Allows accurate placement of LE in anticipation of a suface
Protective Ext Forward
Forward Parachute
Sudden ext of UE, hand opening, and neck ext when suddenly tip infant forward toward supporting surface while vertically suspended
Forms at 6-9mos, does not integrate. Lack of interferes with head protection when center of gravity displaced
Allows accurate place of UE in anticipation of surface to prevent a fall