FineMotor/OralMotor Flashcards
Newborn FMD
UE add and flexed with fisting of hands
Grasp reflex is predominate
Beginning to visually “look” at things
1-2 Month FMD
ATNR-Make visual contact with hand face side
Turns towards/away from familiar sounds
Involuntary grasp/release
Loosely fisted—thumbs are coming untucked
Visually—regards and briefly follows adult face
3-5 Month FMD
Fingers loosely flexed Hands to mouth Develops tactile awareness in hands Palmer grasp Begins transferring objects hand to hand No control of releasing, may use mouth to assist
6 Months FMD
Trans object hand to hand in supine
Shifts weight and reaches with one hand in prone
Reaches with one hand and supports with other while sit
Reaches to be picked up
Radial palmar grasp
Rakes small objects
7-9 Months FMD
Reaches w/supination
Use index finger to poke
Uses inf. scissors grasp to pick up small objects
Using a radial digital grasp more
Thumb coming from add to abd to opp position (controlled release)
Pre-position fingers to grasp
10-12 Months
Opp of thumb, 3-jaw chuck and inf pincer grasp
Emerging sup pincer grasp
Container play
Able to hold one object in each hand and bang
Emerging ability to hold item in one hand and act on it with other hand
Use of wrist ext
12-15 Months
Increasing control of intrinsic muscles Can pick up and hold precisely flat objects More refinement of bilateral skills Scribbles with imitation Stacks 1-2 cubes
15-18 Months
Starts to use one hand to stabilize while other manipulates
Pulls pop-beads apart
Scribbles spontaneously, might initiate a vertical stroke
Stacks 3-4 blocs
Scooping with a spoon—controlled supination
18 Months- 3 Years
Develops use of disk, cylinder, spherical, and lateral grasps
Increasing control with power grasp
Increasing control with release to enable ball throwing
Increasing use of simultaneous manipulation by both hands
Newborn OMD
Suck-swallow reflex
Rooting reflex
Gag reflex-strong in first 3 months
Phasic bite reflex
1 Month OMD
Still has sucking, rooting and gag reflex
Still using suck reflex with bottle.
Suckling pattern emerges (by 2mos).
Tongue moves in and out and the jaw moves up and down
3-5 Month OMD
Rooting and autonomic phasic bite dropping out Decrease in gag reflex Voluntarily open mouth for bottle upon visual sight Begins to coo Spoon feeding starts (5mos) Uses suck pattern to clear spoon Loses liquid from corner of lips Gag on new textures
6 Month OMD
Lips coming in for spoon and cup but then resorts to biting
Lots of teething
Increase drooling during babbling, reaching
Reflexes are gone
Decreased strength in gag reflex
Long sequence of suck-swallow-breathe with no liquid loss
Begin finger feeding
7-9 Month OMD
Upper lip clears the spoon
Begin munching
Cup drinking but only one sip at a time and looses a lot from corners of mouth
Bites on fingers and objects to reduce teething discomfort
Holding bottle
Assists with cup/spoon feeding
10-12 Month OMD
Can take 4-5 sips from a cup and has better control
Likes to self-feed but needs assistance with spoon
Will often invert spoon before putting it in mouth
Transition from a bottle to a cup (bites to stabilize jaw)
Finger feeds indpendently