Grossman Individual Rights Con Law Flashcards
What does Equal Protection have to do with Due Process?
Nothing. Do not confuse these two. You will only be tested on one of these concepts at a time.
How will I know if I am doing an Equal Protection question?
The government (the state) will be treating people differently. Government passes a law that treats some people differently than everyone else. Signaling out.
Is it automatically unconstitutional if the gov passes a law/treats some people differently than others?
No. It depends on WHO is being treated differently. What group? (what class of people?) are being treated differently?
Equal Protection: how many levels of scrutiny
Strict Scrutiny (the big one)
race, alienage, national origin
What does the Strict Scrutiny test say?
It says the government HAS THE BURDEN to show that the law is NECESSARY to ACHIEVE a COMPELLING interest
Intermediate Scrutiny (the middle one)
Gender, Illegitimacy
Elements of Intermediate Scrutiny
Burden: gov
Rational Basis (the little one)
everybody else
Elements of Rational Basis
the little plaintiff has the burden to show that the law is not RATIONALLY RELATED to a LEGITIMATE interest
2 types of “Equal Protection Questions’
- Gov is treating one group differently, so you look for answer choice that says Equal Protection is at issue.
- It tells you that it is Equal Protection. So you have to determine level of scrutiny.
Let’s say you know that you want Strict Scrutiny. But there are TWO answers quoting “compelling interest” language. What are they testing?
Who has the burden!
the longer the question, the more
BS it has. look for buzzwords
2 types of due process
procedural and substantive
How do I know when I am doing a substantive due process q?
When the government (the state) is taking away or regulating A RIGHT from ALL of us. All citizens shall not…All citizens must…
Some rights are so important to us that they are called
fundamental rights
If the government tries to take away a fundamental right, we apply
strict scrutiny
What if gov tries to take away a non-fundamental right?
rational basis
how many levels of scrutiny in substantive DP?
Three Independent Fundamental Rights
- Voting (voting process)
- Free Speech
- Interstate Travel (go to different states)
Fundamental Privacy Rights
CAMPER. Campers need privacy at camp to tell secrets and make friendship bracelets.
Contraception Abortion Marriage Procreation Education (private) (the fundamental right to give a private education) Raise your family
What is the test for abortion?
Government cannot place an UNDUE BURDEN on a woman’s right to have an abortion.
Procedural Due Process
Property Rights: governmental jobs, licenses, public benefits
If the gov tries to take away or regulate our property rights, what are we afforded under procedural due process?
notice and a hearing
What are the levels of scrutiny for procedural due process?
There are no levels of scrutiny for procedural due process!
Generally, when you see the term “liberty right” or “liberty interest” on the exam, what is that focused on?
substantive due process. our liberty rights are our freedoms
What to look for procedural due process question
- make sure that the person ACTUALLY HAS the property right (it needs to be vested, not just in the process of applying for it or in a “trial period” at a government job)
5th and 14th- individual rights/due process/equal protection–what are we looking at?
If the state violates due process or equal protection— 14th A applies
If congress passes a law violating/relating to DP or EP, 5th A will apply
If you see CONGRESS passing a law that treats a group differently (so you are thinking Equal Protection), what should you choose in the answer choice?
federal law = 5th amendment will be mentioned in the answer choice. it might even say “5th amendment due process”
If it was the state in the same situation, 14th.
Privileges and Immunities
If a state passes a law that discriminates against YOU because you are not a RESIDENT
13th Amendment
Racial Discrimination - allows PRIVATE individuals to be prosecuted for racial discrimination.