Gross Motor Dev Flashcards
Family Centered Care
prioritizing the family’s concerns/goals/objectives
Family as a System
family should be viewed as a “group of individuals with interrelated occupations.” Thus, when one person’s role changes everyone else is impacted.
Principles of Family-Centered Practice
Respect/accept family diversity
Encourage partnerships/collaboration
Development of Coordinated Movement
extension, flexion, lateral flexion, rotation
There is lots of overlap….so do not think of development occurring in a rigid strict pattern
Righting reactions-
the basis upon which equilibrium reactions develop. Righting reactions contribute to balance and help keep the head upright.
Develop around 4 months
Protective reactions
these protect the infant from a fall rather than correct it (like righting or equilibrium reactions)
Develop between 6-9 months
Equilibrium reactions
develop between 7-21 months—these reactions help children maintain their center of gravity over their base of support.
These reactions are critical for transitional movements patterns and ambulation
Every movement involves a ____
weight shift.
Newborn Gross Motor Development
Mus Move
physiological flx in all positions
Total body movements
Neck righting
Primary standing and auto walking
Grasp, suck-swallow, Moro/ startle and rooting reflexes
One Month GMD
Mus Move ext begin to become facilitated reduction in physiological flex momentary clearance of face from mat surface UE still add, flexed but less retracted
No change
decrease in some of the primary primative reflexes
Two Month GMD
Mus Move physiological flex is less, more ext Pelvis is more flat on mat Attempt to help with sit Lifts head in prone to 45 degree Elbows just behind shoulders
Weight shifted to middle abdomen
Beginning eye-hand development
ATNR with arm to side
Func Post
Spends more time in supine
Three Month GMD
Mus Move
Arms come to midline in supine and over upper abdomen area and maybe to mouth
Frogged leg position in supine
Less head lag when pulled to sit
Prone elbows are parallel to shoulders but not necessarily under shoulders.
Arms taking more weight in prone
Head up at more 60-90 degree
No change bal
Looses automatic walking
Four Month GMD
Mus Move
flex and ext at the neck coming in and working together
Hands to tummy and to knees
Feet might touch each other
Actively assists pull to sit, holds head in alignment
Sit forward flexion over hips
No change bal/reflx
Func post
In supine lots of hand to hand play, hands with toy over chest and to mouth
Five Month GMD
Mus Move
Extended arm weight bearing; reach on elbows
Rolling prone to supine
May sit leaning forward at hips, prop
Lateral weight shift
Body righting on head reaction
Equilibrium reactions in prone starting
No chnge func post
Six Month GMD
Mus Move
Good head control in all positions
Roll supine to prone-initiated with flexion
Bears weight on LEs in standing
UE protective ext
Prone equilibrium reax; starting in supine
Ind sit