Gregory Et. Al. Text. Flashcards
Key concepts
A process that identifies those that are thought to be different from ourselves or the mainstream and, in so doing reinforces and reproduces positions of power and subordination. AKA Marginalization, stereotyping, stigmatizing
People develop knowledge and meaning by building and reflecting on their experiences. Learners actively apply what they have learned and understood from past and current experience to real world situations. Not memorization and repetition. Experiential learning.
Adults as self-directed learners, wanting only relevant information to their lives and careers, learn as they experience, want to solve only real life problems, take responsibility for theyir learning and will learn when they are ready to learn.
Relational Practice Competancies
- Authenticity
- Active Listening
- Self-awarenness
- Empathy
- Rapport
- Trust
- Self Disclosure& Confidentiality
- Mutuality & Intentionality
- Honouring Complexity & Ambiguity
- Reflective Practice
“SURETY” in active listening
- Sit at an angle to the client
- Uncross legs and arms
- Relax
- Eye contact
- Touch
- Your Intuition
The process of selecting, organizing and attaching meaning to the world around us.
3 Strategies for listening
STOP talking
LOOK at nonverbal/body language of both the speaker and listener
LISTEN to thw speakers thoughts for meaning rather than reacting to trigger words
Concepts of self-disclosure
Nirsing Metaparadigm
The nursing metaparadigm describes the key concepts that are central to the discipline of nursing profession
Eriksons Theory
Psychosocial development: 8 stages of development, each builds on the previous
Piagets Theory
Cognitive development; 4 stages structured on childhood development.
Kohlbergs Theroy
Moral Devlopment: morality developed first within thw family, then out in the world. 3 levels: preconventional, conventional, postconventional
Hierarchy of human needs: Suggests that needs can be grouped into five categories including Physiological, Safety, Love and belonging, Esteem, and Self-actualization. Needs in one category must be met before a person is able to move on to the next category
Motovation for communication ie: sounds, smells
What is being communicated
Method of sending the message
Person who initiates conversation (encoder)
Person who receives the message(decodes)
The message back
Effective Communication is
Clear Concise Concrete Complete Courteous
Interferes with communication. Can be physiologic, psychological, Environmental, Semantics(language, jargon)
Ineffective communication happens in:
The system
Absent or malfunctioning channels
The transmissiom
Channels exist but message unclear
The reception
Channels exist, message misinterpreted
Verbally minimizing the size, severity, or significance of a particular event
Providing only the information needed to provide care for client to other health professionals on a need to know basis