Greeks Abroad Flashcards
colonization and apoikia Greeks in N Africa Gs in Black Sea
When did Euboeans settle in Pithekoussai?
c775 BCE
What are the three areas of the Pithekoussai site?
Monte di Vico - acropolis settlement
Valle di San Montano - necropolis
Mezzavia - industrial area
What was the unique pattern in burial rites for the graves at Pithekoussai? What is very G about the burial rites?
‘family plots’ made up of collection of secondary cremations, incl trench-and-hole types and enchytristhmoi. At centre was a tumulus secondary burial, around which the later plots were organised.
follows the customs according to gender and age like G mainland
What is clustered in the SE of the necropolis at Pithekoussai? Unique feature shared by these burials?
graves of young ppl w enchytrismoi and inhumations clustered in the area
all have a lot of dedicatory objects, likely a result of their death in youth
What was Coldstream’s argument as to the integration of localised grave goods found in graves of Greek character in Pithekoussai?
Greek settlers came to the area and married the local women. These women naturally preferred the styles of jewellery, e.g. fibulae, they were familiar with, e.g. the arched bow types of fibulae, but integrated in increasingly dominant G customs
What two items found in child graves suggest Pithekoussai was part of extensive trade networks?
lyre-player seals and scarabs originating from the Levant and Egypt
What is the significance of Pendant Semi circle skyphoi in regards to Pithekoussai?
the decorative scheme derives from Euboea in the ninth century BCE therefore dating the presence of Eubs and attesting to the links between the two places
What is significant about the Shipwreck krater found at Pithekoussai?
Euboean influence with the shape and geometric elements
unique execution that can be attributed to the local interests of seafaring, especially in the process of settling there
Overall then shows degree of cultural integration by the late 8th cent
What is a better translation of apoikia than colony?
‘home away from home’
What was different about apoikia compared to emporia?
better organised, linked with the fact they had the settlement role on top of trading one as emporia had exclusively
What was characteristic of many apoikia in terms of community building?
had founding myths and oikists that continued to be commemorated through the lifetimes of the settlements
What causes for emigration are seen in Hesiod and Homer?
When is the earliest contemporary apoikia literature from?
6th cent BCE
What are seen as main causes for emigration?
lack of arable land
What is the debate abt agency and apoikismos?
who was the agent in moving abroad, individual(s) or the state
What status do oikists tend to have had?
elite individual, with influence and wealth (means to est new settlement)
What were the topographical advantages of Cumae?
natural harbour
fertile land
high ground
Who were the oikists of Cumae? Where were they from?
Hippokles and Megathenes
What info does the burial evidence at Cumae provide?
-imported dedicatory items from Mediterranean
-wider G rites observed like secondary cremation
-tendency of Corinthian pottery
What characterises the pottery found in graves prior to G settlement?
distinctive local styles
What used to be thought of the relation between Cumae and Pithekoussai? What is now thought?
They were very distinct.
They were complimentary settlements, shown in similarities across archaeological record.
From when do the greek-style Cumae fortification walls date?
late 7th cent BCE
Why would Sicily have been an advantageous place for Greeks to settle?
coast was many natural harbours, lending any settlements there an advantage in trade
What archaeological evidence is there in Sicily of trading networks pre-dating G presence? Other conclusions from the arch?
Cypriot and Mycenaean pottery
Strong sense of varied culture between settlements and tribes
Naxos as an apoikia
Thuc date: 734. Arch attested from LG (750-700).
Oikist: Theokles after having been blown off course. G origins a mix of Dorian and Chalcidians.
Advantages: fertile land, natural harbour near Messenia Strait, easy access from Greece, BA wall used as fortification.
-one of first
-indigenous population was removed (not uncommon); their presence remained a threat including from Syracuse
-Naxos founded Leontini and Catane
-possibilities of co-habitation: 8th cent houses with evidence of import and local pottery.
-7th cent saw a grid plan w possibility of agora and open air sanctuary
-6th cent saw new fortifications built but then destroyed by Hieron of Syracuse
Catane as an apoikia?
Thuc: 729. Arch dates to LG (750-700).
Oikist: Evarcos, Naxian
Advantages: v good harbour, on established G sea routes
-similar fort wall to Naxos
-8th cent Euboean pottery found there
Zankle as an apoikia?
Advantages: v large harbour (sickle shaped)
-Thuc attests to pirates having founded the colony
-8th century houses found as well as agora near harbour
-founded Himera
Syracuse as an apoikia?
Thuc: 733. Arch has pre-750 pottery.
Oikist: Archias, from corinth
Advantages: two natural harbours from island off coast, well settled
-founded by Corinthians
-very important Sicilian city especially in tyrant period
-expelled indigenous population, acc Hdt
-necropolis used from 8th cent, especially rich 7th cent evidence (shows development)
-grid plan
-some possibility of co-habitation on off shore island
What was a major region of Phoenician apoikia? Evidence?
Eastern influenced architecture and urban planning
Megara Hyblaea as an apoikia?
Thuc date: 728 and arch has poss evidence of pre-750 pottery
Oikist: Lamis (led a section of population from Megara (attica) to Sicily through mutiple attempts at settling around the coast)
Advantages: promonotory so natural harbour, easily accessible from greek mainland
-grid plan of N-S streets and then large E-W ones crossing over
-outside city walls necropolis
-changes in the 7th cent: larger houses, increase in population, first known agora in G world
Gela as an apoikia?
Thuc date: 688 BCE, pottery found from LG onwards.
Oikists: Antiphemos, Rhodian, and Antimos, Cretan.
Advantages: coastal, fertile area
-DORIC habitation, will come into play later in history
-Temple of Athena dated to 7th cent on the acropolis (site of much pottery finds)
-period of tyrants affected city in 6th cent
Around when was the second phase of Sicilian apoikia? Who was founding these cities?
7th-6th cents BCE
Sicilian cities and apoikia, Syracuse was behind many of them
When and What were the apoikia of Syracuse established? Features largely shared by these sites?
Akrai, 664/3
Casmenae, 643/2
Camarina, 598/7
Fortified, G features (govt buildings, deities, regulaity of urban plan (strip planning)), fertile land
Himera as ‘sub-apoikia’?
Founded 649 BCE by Zankle
Advantages: coastal, fertile land,
-Coastal powetr, challenging the dominance of Akragas in the area in 6th cent then B of Himera in 480 BCE
-upper city had grid plan and occupation from 7th cent
-lower city likely later, ev of T of Victory found, poss related to 480
Selinus as ‘sub-apoikia’?
Founded 628BCE by Megara Hyblaea.
Oikist: Pammilus, poss from MH.
Advantages: further away from Syr which was becoming a key threat to MH, higher coastal plateau, fertile land in betw rivers
-upper city on plateau whilst lower city further inland
-grid planning, agora, and external necropolis evident for lower city
-Temple C, c600-550 BCE is a good example of a doric temple with its plan and metopes
-would come to play key role in Punic wars and Sp intervention in Sicilian Expedition
Acragas as ‘sub-apoikia’?
Founded 582/80 by Gela.
Oikists: Aristonoos from G and Pistius from Rhodes/Crete
Advantages: close to S Italy, between two rivers, good harbour
-DORIC links
-grid plan, long fortification walls, multiple Temples, and colossal relig sculptures
-would develop beneficial links with Carthiginians
-actively neutral in Sic Exped
What was the sociological impact of Greek apoikismos in Sicily after just 2-3 generations?
Ethnic diversity had increased significantly; hybridity of cultures developed
What is the idea of hybridity?
blending of subordinate and dominant party cultures as a process of selection and deviation into a new and seperate cultural entity, rather than a simple combination of two cultures in a dom-sub relationship
Around how many graves have been found at Pithekoussai?
What are the dates of the two main phases at Pithekoussai from necropolis data? Characteristics of these two phases?
750-725 BCE: largely Euboean pottery as well as local imitations of such.
725-700 BCE: dominance of Corinthian pottery like kotylai, both imports and imitations.
What grave is Nestor’s cup from? Characteristics of grave? Date?
Cremation 168, Pithekoussai
Appears to have been that of a young boy.
mid 8th cent BCE
What is significant about Nestor’s cup?
Early stage of predicted origins of G alphabet.
Euboean alphabet so indic of trading links.
Role of trading in development of alphabet.
Details of Nestor’s cup grave?
-secondary cremation
-c25 vessels in total
-silver fibulae also found
Inscrip on Nestor’s cup? SIgnif?
“I am the cup of Nestor good for drinking.
Whoever drinks from this cup, desire for beautifully
crowned Aphrodite will seize him instantly.”
V early example of G script; poss ref to Nestor in Iliad and thus would be ironic comparison between massive nestor’s cup in the poem vs this skyphos
What characterises the Mezzavia area of Pithekoussai?
evidence of metalworking and residential space
Who founded a settlement at Massalia? When? Why?
c600 BCE
Bay of Lacydon provided potential for good harbour and close to river Rhône so could build up links in land
What prompted an influx of migrants from Phocaea? When? Effect?
Persian invasion of the city and subsequent fleeing of signif proportion of the population
545-40 BCE
production of amphorae and minting of coins began in these years contrib to a growth of economic signif for the apoikia
What geographical/topographical features contributed to Massalia’s prosperity?
lack of other apoikia in the area
good harbour
fertile land producing vine, olives and grain
What trade routes did Massalia access in the location is was in?
Iberian links to Greece
Celtic Europe
Punic connections
What central Greek evidence is there for Massiliot prosperity?
dedication at Delphi in 525 BCE of a statue of Apollo - pausanias
erection of a treasury at Delphi c530 BCE - archaeological evidence
What evidence is there of pre-apoikismos trade links at Massalia?
8th cent Etruscan and Corinthian imported pottery
Where was the Phocaean apoikia of Alalia? What happened to it?
East coast of Corsica
Phocaeans est links c600 BCE but then lost control c540 BCE in the B of Alalia in which Carthaginians and Etruscans challenged their control - settlement fell to Etruscans
How did Massalia provide a threat to Phoenician and Etruscan trade/power?
could prevent Phoenician expansion from Iberia and the Balearics into southern France,
could restrict Etruscan maritime expansion and their domination of the routes into central Europe over the Alps (by controlling access to the Rhône)
What evidence is there of an orthogonal plan in Massalia?
straight E-W road that runs past harbour and into city ‘Grande Rue’
What G civic features have been found at Massalia?
city walls, agora (debated), pottery workshop - ‘Les Carnes’ area (debated), archaic houses in insulae arrangement
What archaeological finds have been made from archaic levels of Massalia demonstrating G cultural links?
fragments of ionic capital
Black Figure Attic amphora and other G wares
naiskos figurine from 6th cent
What kind of evidence is uniquely plentiful at Massalia indicating the nature of the role it played as an apoikia?
one dated back to 6th cent BCE
What factor contributed to popularity of local pottery in Massalia?
clay beds nearby
ID of Massalia amphorae?
wide belly, very slim neck, neck handles, small base
Where have Massaliot amphorae been found in region? Likely function of these?
along south coast of France, inland up Rhone valley, and on east coast of Spain
Transporting wine (and poss olive oil)
What trade port did Massalia est in close region? When?
c500 BCE
Greek civic features of Emporion?
agora, T of Serapis
What is key source of evidence from Emporion? Evidence found there?
necropoleis - namely the North-eastern wall one and Bonjoan one
Pottery is large part of evidence - pattern: NE necropolis has more ‘un-G’ types e.g. large asymmetrical pots BUT Bonjoan has more Greek styles like mass produced lekythoi w BF and WG decor