Greek Tragedies: Oedipus Rex Flashcards
Who was Sophocles and what did he contribute
Major figure in Athens, playwright, priest
Introduced the full use of a third actor allowing more dramatic complexity
Plays provide psychology terms
Greek plays were written in a
How many plays did Sophocles write and how many survive today
Wrote 123
7 survive
What are the Freudian psychology terms that were derived from Sophocles play
Oedipus complex
Electra complex
Describe the structure of a greek play
Alternates between dialogue and chorus singing
Chorus commented on and interpreted the action and the dialogue
When was Oedipus Rex first introduced
429 b.C.
What was the reason for the greek plays
Part of a yearly festival to honor Dionysus, God of wine and fertility
What did the Romans call Dionysus
Festival was called
Ludi Romani
How were the plays presented
Cycle of 3 plays followed by a satyr piece
Mask worn by actor
Platform shoes worn by actor
An altar for sacrificing a goat
Outdoor theatre with seating in a semi-circle on a sloped hill
What elements must a classic tragedy have
Hero with high status
Plot that involves a threat to the community
Hero makes choice that brings about his own downfall. Tragic flaw and tragic fate both contribute
Anagnorisis, recognition scene
Something good comes about in end
Order is restored
Gods mentioned in Oepidus
Something in the persons personality that brings about his or her own downfall
Tragic flaw
What is oedipus’s tragic flaw
Difference between tragic flaw and fate
Tragic flaw involves free will
Fate is out of persons control
Four parts of the theatre and describe them
Theatron- where spectators sat
Orchestra- chorus would dance sing
Skene - established setting
Parodos- exit and entrance of all
Name and describe three machines used in greek plays
Deus ex machina - lowered and raised actor on stage
Ekkyklema- platform used to display body of killed and I’ll
Mechane- crane helping characters swing into air above stage
Why were the onkas used
Project actors voice
Enabled people to play more than one part
Satirical and mock men in power
Complete action
Audience feels purged of emotion
Short comical play
Who was Thespis and what were his contributions
First actor in greek drama
Inventor of tragedy
Who was Aeschylus and what were his contributions
Father of greek tragedy
First to include scenes with multiple actors
Who was Euripides and his contribution
Created love drama
First to include female and slave characters
What are plot elements Aristotle thought a greek tragedy must have
Plot- cause and effect chain of actions Characters- hero type Thought- themes of play Diction- appropriate words for times Melody- chorus be fully integrated Spectacle- emotional attraction
What is the structure of a Greek tragedy
Prologue- gives background mythology Parodus- chorus enters in song Episode- dialogue plot Many episodes Stasimon - chorus dances and sings Exodus- words of wisdom
The main setting of play
Where Oedipus grew up
Where oracle is
How is Oedipus fit for the typical greek tragedy according to Aristotle
Oedipus is hero of high status Black Plague is problem Affected by fate and free will Has anagnorisis- when Jocasta hangs Exodus Plague is gone Creon takes throne
Other word for tragic flaw