Greek Art Flashcards
ID - Dipylon Krater
Greek, Geometric Period 8th Century
ID - Anavysos Kouros
Greek, Archaic Period 6th Century
ID - Peplos Kore
Greek, Archaic Period 6th Century
ID - Kritios Boy
Greek, Early Classical Period 5th Century
ID - Diskobolos (Discus Thrower)
Myron, Early Classical Period 5th Century
ID - Doryphorus (Spear Bearer)
Polykleitos, High Classical Period 5th Century
ID - The Parthenon
Iktinos & Kallikrates, High Classical Period 5th Century
ID - Nike Fastening Her Sandal
Greek, High Classical Period 5th Century
ID - Apoxyomenos (Scraper)
Lysippos, Late Classical Period 4th Century
ID - Laocoon Group
Greek, Hellenistic Period
ID - Nike of Samothrace (Winged Victory)
Greek, Hellenistic Period
What developments define the archaic period?
Life-size stone statues (Kouros and Kore) and the shift from black-figure vase painting to red-figure vase painting. Also the archaic smile :)
How do you identify Doric architecture?
Plain capital & column with triglyphs and metopes
How do you identify Ionic architecture?
Swirly capital with continuous frieze (no triglyphs and metopes)
What does the sculpture “The Old Seer” foreshadow?
The emotion/drama in Hellenistic art
What does hubris mean?
What is the name of excess hubris and what does it do to Western civilization?
Nemesis; separates its history from that of Asia
What differentiates Early Classical sculpture from Archaic sculpture?
Archaic smile is gone :(
Contrapposto weight shift
Lost Wax method of bronze sculpture
Who created “Diskobolos” and what concept does it introduce?
Myron; the “S” curve of motion
Why is “Kritios Boy” significant?
Introduces contrapposto & transitions Archaic to Early Classical figure sculpture
Why is Doryphorus significant and who created it?
Canon of Greek proportions; Polykleitos
Who created the Parthenon?
Iktinos and Kallikrates
What order of architecture is the Parthenon?
Doric with an internal Ionic frieze
What are caryatids?
Columns with embedded female figure sculptures
What style did “Nike Fastening Her Sandal” foreshadow?
The Hellenistic “Wet Drapery” style
Who are three masters of Classical Greek sculpture?
Myron, Polykleitos, and Phidias
When and what did Myron sculpt?
Early Classical, “S” curve
When and what did Polykleitos sculpt?
High Classical, Canon of proportions
When and what did Phidias sculpt?
High Classical, Parthenon gods & godesses
What were the traditional Greek ideals?
Logic, balance, harmony, order, calm, youth, etc.
What caused Greek ideals to shift?
The Peloponnesian War
Who are some Classical 4th century philosophers?
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Diogenes (the guy on tarot cards)
Who are two Classical 4th century sculptors?
Lysippos and Praxiteles
Why was “Apoxyomenos (Scraper)” significant?
Showed human action rather than idealized poses
What is contrapposto?
Weight shift
When was idealized beauty important in sculptures?
Classical 5th century
What is a pediment?
The triangle thing on top of a temple
What are triglyphs and metopes?
The lines and the dots on Doric friezes
What is the difference between krater and amphora vases?
Krater vases have wider necks
What was the center of the Hellenistic world and what country what was it in?
Pergamon in Turkey
What is the main difference between Hellenistic sculpture and Classical sculpture?
Hellenistic sculpture is not idealized
What four things are commonly portrayed in Hellenistic art?
Women, emotion, drapery, and DRAMA
What do the Greeks want to understand?
Patterns in life
What are the adjective forms of ethos and pathos?
Ethical and pathetic
What are the artistic periods of Greece so far in our studies, in chronological order?
Geometric, Orientalizing, Archaic, Classical (early and high), and Hellenistic
What are the Greek ideals of harmony and order replaced with after the Peloponnesian war?
Skepticism and cynicism
What are Corinthian capitals?
Decorative leaf things
What does Plato study?
Transcendental things
What does Aristotle study?
Material things
Why did Socrates die?
He believed obeying his condemnation was the ethical thing to do
Who does Diogenes look for?
An honest man
What did the “Dipylon Krater” do?
Grave marker at Dipylon cemetary
What characteristics marked sculpture in the Orientalizing Period?
Long hair, frontal, static (Egyptian influences)
What function did the Kouros and Kore serve?
Memorial (replaced krater)
To which architectural order do caryatids belong?
Who was the first recorded sculptor?
What was the significance of “Hermes & Baby Dionysus”?
Baby and adult shown together: humanization
What began the Hellenistic Period?
The death of Alexander the Great
What did “Dying Gaul” show?
Empathy for enemy soldier (less hubris over war victory than in Classical sculpture)
Why was the “Aphrodite of Melos” considered so attractive?
Her falling dress provided temptation
What was the greatest building program of pre-Roman times?
The Parthenon
ID - Cycladic Female Figure
Cycladic, Prehistoric 2500-2300 BCE
ID - Lyre Player
Cycladic, Prehistoric 2700-2500 BCE
ID - Snake Goddess
Minoan, Late Minoan Period
ID - Royal Treasury Atreus (Beehive Tombs)
Mycenaean, 1300-1250 BCE
ID - Warrior Vase
Mycenaean, 1200 BCE
Where were the Cycladic statuettes?
Buried with the dead
What defined Minoan art?
Vital, nature based, curvilinear shapes, no concern with afterlife, biomorphic
When was the potter’s wheel discovered?
2000 BCE
What did the Palace at Knossos inspire and why?
The tale of the minotaur because it’s a rambling, open-air labyrinth
Why does Mycenaean art differ from Minoan and how?
Because their cultures differ; Mycenaean art focuses on war (Homeric theme) instead of nature
What virtues are illustrated in Homeric works?
Heroism, strength, loyalty, courage, etc.
What is a corbeled vault?
Overlapping stones that create a vaulted arch
What did the Mycenaeans believe built the “Lion Gate”?
A cyclops: that’s why it’s called cyclopean architecture
What does repousse mean and what is the repousse technique used for?
To push out; for sculptures like the gold “Funeral Mask”
What is Fresco Buono?
“True fresco”, painting on wet plaster
What is Fresco Secco?
Painting on dry plaster