Great Vessel Embryology Flashcards
what are PA’s outgrowths of? what forms within them?
outgrowths of head and neck mesenchyme
aortic arches thru vasculogenesis and angiogenesis
what gives rise to the aortic arches?
aortic sac (expansion at distal truncus arteriosus)
what do the aortic arches connect?
aortic sac and dorsal aorta
what is the general structure of this primitive formation?
anterior- aortic sac
aortic arch
posterior- dorsal aorta
(most posterior- amniotic cavity)
how many aortic arches form?
after the primitive vasculature forms, how does the adult formation take place? (three things)
- hypertrophy of some vessels
- addition of new vessels (external carotid and distal part pulmonary artery)
- loss of vessel segments
where do the dorsal aortas fuse and what direction do they continue to grow?
fuse at T4 level and grow caudually
how are the aorta and pulmonary artery formed/separated?
aorticopulmonary septum divides the truncus arteriousus into them
how do intersegmental arteries form? between what? what do they connect to?
via vasculogenesis within the paraxial mesoderm
dorsal aorta’s
what adult vessel do the longitudinal anastomses of the cervical intersegmental arteries form?
vertebral arteries
(connections with the dorsal aorta disappear)
what do the 7th intersegmental arteries form?
L- subclavian artery
R- portion of subclavian artery
what adult vessels do the anastomses between the thoracic intersegmental arteries form?
internal thoracic arteries
what 2 adult vessel do the thoracic intersegmental arteries form?
- posterior intercostal arteries (proximal part in between the dorsal aorta and internal thoracic)
- anterior intercostals (distal part after internal thoracic)
what 2 adult structure do the lumbar intersegmentals form?
- epigastric artery
- (internal ?) iliac artery
what happens to AA 1 and 2?
they disappear
part of 2 becomes stapedial arteries
which AA is main feeder to head?
AA 3
what 3 adult vessels does AA 3 form?
- common carotid
- proximal part of internal carotid (remainder comes from dorsal aorta)
- external carotid- thru sprouting
what 4 things give rise to the adult aorta? what parts does each form?
- aortic sac- part 1
- left AA 4- part 2 (adult aortic arch)
- left dorsal aorta proximal to 7th intersegmental artery- part 3
- left dorsal aorta distal to 7th intersegmental artery- part 4
what insures the left AA 4 connects to the left ventricle?
spiraling of outflow tract
what 3 things forms the right subclavian artery and what parts?
- Right AA 4- proximal part
- dorsal aorta
- 7th segmental artery- distal part
what happens to AA 5?
never forms
how are the pulmonary arteries formed? what do they grow into?
each one is formed from proximal part of right AA 6 and aortic sac
grows into mesenchyme of lungs
what happens to the distal part of right AA 6?
dissappears (loses connection with right dorsal aorta)