Gravimetric Analysis Flashcards
Determination of water amount in sample done through using a pre weighed absorbent trap.
Direct Analysis
Encompasses all techniques in which we measure mass or a change in mass.
Commonly referred to as filter paper, range in pore size from 30µm to 2–3µm.
Cellulose Fiber Filters
Constructed from chemically inert borosilicate glass, range in pore size from 2.5 µm to 0.3 µm.
Glass Fiber Filters
Are made from a variety of materials, including cellulose nitrate and PTFE, are available with pore sizes from 5.0 µm to 0.1 µm.
Membrane Fiber Filters
Determination of water amount in sample done through using a pre weighed absorbent trap
Direct Analysis /Determination
An easier approach is to weigh the sample of food before and after heating, using the change in its mass as an indication of the amount of water originally present.
Indirect Analysis / Determination
A gravimetric method in which the signal is the mass of a precipitate. (analyzing ores)
Precipitation Gravimetry
Insoluble solid from liquid solution in gravimetry
A gravimetric method in which the signal is the mass of an electrode deposit on the cathode or anode in an electrochemical cell
A process that assembles solid materials from molecules, ions or complexes in a solution.
A gravimetric method in which the loss of a volatile species gives rise to the signal.
Volatilization Gravimetry
A form of volatilization gravimetry in which the change in a sample’s mass
is monitored while it is heated.
A gravimetric method in which the mass of a
particulate analyte is determined following its separation from its matrix.
Particulate Gravimetry
Are form of minute separate particles examples nitrates, sulfates and organic chemicals
To achieve an accuracy of ±0.1% using an analytical balance with a sensitivity of ±0.1 mg, the precipitate must weigh at least 100 mg.
Scale of Operation
Non-optically active member of a set of stereoisomers
Meso - compound
Relative errors of 0.1–0.2% are routinely achieved.
Macro-major samples
It determine the components of an unknown material, to confirm the identity of a suspect material and to identify differences between similar materials.
Compositional Analysis
• The main purpose are for identifying, quantifying and purifying the individual components of the mixture.
• It is a liquid chromatography used to separate compounds that are dissolved in solutions
High Pressure Liquid Chromatography
• An analytical technique used to separate and detect the chemical components of a
sample mixture to determine their presence or absence and/or quantities.
• These chemical components are usually organic molecules or gases
Gas Chromatography
A process where a sample of some material (e.g., soil, waste or drinking water, bodily fluids, minerals, chemical
compounds) is analyzed for its
elemental and sometimes isotopic composition.
Elemental Analysis
• Instrument designed to measure various substances and other characteristics in a number of biological samples quickly, with minimal human assistance.
• These measured properties of blood and other fluids may be useful in the diagnosis of disease.
Automated Analysis
• A medical laboratory equipment used extensively in clinical laboratories.
• It is designed to conduct tests to measure chemicals at various stages of the biological processes on a wide range of test samples from blood, plasma, serum, and cerebrospinal fluid to urine.
Biochemistry analyzers
• Antibodies are used by some analyzers to detect many substances by immunoassay and other reactions that employ the use of antibody-antigen reactions.
• Recent developments include automation for the immunohematology lab, also known as transfusion medicine.
Immuno-based analyzers
______ in clinical laboratory is used
not only to assist the laboratory’s test performance but also to process and transport the specimens, to load the specimens into automated analyzers, to assess the test results obtained, and to store and archive the specimens, which means the automation involves all important processes in laboratory.
A way to seperate soluble solids by characteristics and property of their solubility in a given appropriate solvent.
Fractional Crystallization
Term used for chemicals which are considered helper molecules assisting in biochemical reactions
Co - Factor
A chemical used as a purgative or laxatives
Mercurous Chloride
A trivalent inorganic anion obtained by removal of protons in phosphorous acid.
(TRUE OR FALSE) : Mass a signal is measured in a balance.
(TRUE OR FALSE) : Silver Chloride has disinfectant and antiseptic properties
(TRUE OR FALSE) : Antibodies are used by some analyzers to detect many substances by immunoassay
(TRUE OR FALSE) : Mass is a measure of how much object contains
(TRUE OR FALSE) : The macro - major samples, relative error limit are within 0.1- 0.5% in gravimetric analysis
False (0.1- 0.2%)