Graphs Flashcards
What is the definition of a graph?
What does adjacent mean in a graph? Draw an example.
What is the definition of an undirected graph?
What is the definition of a directed graph?
Explain how a tree is a directed graph
What is a path in a graph?
What is a cycle in a graph?
What does connected mean in a graph?
What does it mean for a graph to be complete?
What is a subgraph in a graph?
What type of information can the vertices represented in a graph?
What type of information can an edge represent in a graph?
- The vertices in a graph may represent something(cities on a map, computers in a network)
- Vertices in a graph may contain information(information about the cities or computers represeted
- The edges may represent spatial connections between vertices or some other type of connection between the vertices.
- The edges may also contain information(distance between two cities, the cost of travel between two cities, capacity of a computer connection, weight of a connection in a neural network).
- If the information is a number, then the graph is called a weighted graph
In general, what is an Adjacency Matrix?
What is an example of an adjacency matric of an undirected graph?
What is an example of an adjacency matrix of a Digraph
What is an example of an adjacency matrix of a weighted graph?