Grammar Slides 1.3 Flashcards
the verb ser and numbers are used to
tell time
to ask what time it is
Que hora es?
when telling time use
es + la with una, and son + las with all other hours
es la una
it is one
son las dos
it is two
son las seis
it is six
son las cuatro y cinco
it is 5 past 4
Son las once y veinte
it is 20 past 11
you may either use _____ or _____ to express fifteen minutes or a quarter past the hour
y cuatro or y quince
for 30 minutes past the hour, use
y media or y treinta
Es la una y cuarto
it is a quarter past one
son las doce y media
it is 2:30
son las nueve y quince
it is a quarter past 9
son las siete y treinta
it is 7:30
you express time from the half-hour to the next hour in Spanish by
subtracting minutes or a position of an hour from the next hour
es la una menos cuarto
it is a quarter to one
son las tres menos quince
it is 15 to 3
son las ocho menos viente
it is 20 to 8
son las tres menos diez
it is 10 to 3
to ask what time a particular event takes place, say
A que hora?
to state what time something takes place at, use the construction
a la(s) + time
a que hore es la clase de biologia?
(at) what time is biology class?
Las clase es a las dos
the class is at 2
a que hora es la fiesta
what time is the party
a las ocho
at 8
en punto