Grammar Slides 1.1 Flashcards
what is a noun?
Person, place or thing
all Spanish nouns have
gender; masculine or feminine
spanish nouns can either be
singular or plural
masculine nouns can end in
-o, -or, -ista
feminine nouns can end in
-a, -ora, -ista
nouns that refer to males are generally
nouns that refer to females are generally
for nouns that end in -o, -or, the female versions are
-a, -ora
for the expections, you can determine what gender they are by
the article before (el, la)
nouns that end in a vowel form the plural by adding
nouns that end in a consonant add
nouns that end in -z change to
when a singular noun has an accent mark in the last syllable
the accent is dropped from the plural form
use the masculine plural form to refer to a group that includes
both males and females
what types of articles does spanish have
definite and indefinite
articles vary in form because they
agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify
what are the definite articles?
el, la, los, las
what are the indefinite articles?
un, una, unos, unas