Grammar-Pronominal Verbs Flashcards
How are pronominal verbs conjugated in present tense?
Like any other verb in present tense
What is the reflexive pronoun?
The “se”
When does the reflexive pronoun “se” change?
When the subject changes
What are the reflexive pronouns for all the subjects
Je me Tu te Il se Nous nous Vous Vous Ils se
In the negative form where is the ne and pas placed in a pronominal verb?
Je ne me lève pas avant midi
What are the three categories of pronominal verbs?
Essential pronominal verbs
What are reflective verbs?
Common activities that you do in your daily life
Name some of the important reflexive verbs to remember
Se réveiller (to wake up) Se lever (to get up) S’habiller (to get dressed) Se doucher (to shower) Se brosser les dents (to brush your teeth) Se coiffer (to do your hair) Se laver ( to wash yourself) Se préparer ( to get ready) Se maquiller (to do your make up) Se coucher ( to go to bed) Se promener ( to have a walk) Se dépêcher ( to hurry)
what are reciprocal verbs?
Verbs that require two people minimum- always have a plural subject eg. nous, vous, ils/elles or on
What do nous, vous and se mean in reciprocal verbs?
Each other eg. Nous nous parlons= we spoke to each other
name some important examples of reciprocal verbs
Se telephoner, se parler, s’envoyer, se voir
what are essential pronominal verbs?
Verbs that have to have the reflexive pronoun before them otherwise they don’t work
name some essential pronominal verbs
s’envoler= to fly away
se souvenir= to remember
se coucher= to go to bed