Grammar in use Flashcards
What … (you / usually / do) at weekends?
do you usually do
I’ve never heard this word. How … (you / pronounce) it?
do you pronounce
Kate … (not / work) this week. She’s on holiday.
is not working
The car has broken down again.
That car is useless. It …
is always breaking down.
Alan says he’s 90 years old, but nobody …(believe) him.
She told me her name, but … (I / not / remember) it now
i don’t remember
… (I / think) of selling my car. Would you be interested in buying it?
I’m thinking
Gary wasn’t well earlier, but … (he / seem) OK now.
he seems
Excuse me. … (anybody / sit / there?)
Is anybody sitting there?
You’re very quiet. What … (think) about?
are you thinking
Sarah … very nice to me at the moment. I wonder why.
is being
You’re normally very patient, so why … so unreasonable about waiting
ten more minutes?
are you being
Would you like something to eat? … hungry?
Are you
I can’t make up my mind. What … (you / think) I should do?
do you think
(who / this umbrella / belong to?)
I’ve no idea.
Who does this umbrella belong to?
Excuse me. (anybody / sit / there?)
No, it’s free.
Is anybody sitting there?
(these gloves / not / fit / me)
They’re too small.
These gloves don’t fit me.
I’m feeling hungry. Is there anything to eat?
I feel
I’m feeling
چون دیر آمدند اذیت شدم.
I was annoyed because they were late.
وقتی در تعطیلات بودی هوا خوب بود؟
Was the weather good when you were on holiday?
چون سرشان شلوغ بود نتوانستند بیایند
They weren’t able to come because they were so busy.
من گرسنه نبودم، بنابراین چیزی نخوردم.
I wasn’t hungry, so I didn’t eat anything.
دیشب بیرون رفتی یا خیلی خسته بودی؟
Did you go out last night or were you too tired?
پیاده تا سرکار می روم که حدود نیم ساعت طول می کشد.
I walk to work, which takes me about half an hour.
وقتی به خانه می رسم همیشه خسته هستم.
I’m always tired when I get home.
هوا گرم بود، کتم را در آوردم.
It was warm, so I took off my coat.
من عجله داشتم، وقت نکردم با شما تماس بگیرم.
I was in a hurry, so I didn’t have time to call you.
دیشب ساعت دهچیکار میکردی؟
What were you doing at 10 o’clock last night?
برای هلن دست تکان دادم، ولی اون نگاه نمی کرد.
I waved to Helen, but she wasn’t looking.
مت زنگ زد وقتی شام می خوردیم
Matt phoned while we were having dinner.
وقتی بلند (بیدار) شدم باران می بارید
It was raining when I got up.
دیروز تو پارک دیدمت. نشسته بودی رو چمن و کتاب می خوندی.
I saw you in the park yesterday. You were sitting on the grass and reading a book.
وقتی در باغ کار می کردم کمرم درد گرفت.
I hurt my back while I was working in the garden.
داشتم تو جاده راه میرفتم که دن رو دیدم. ,وایسادم و مدتی با هم صحبت کردیم.
I was walking along the road when I saw Dan. So I stopped, and we talked for a while.
پارسال همین موقع در مزرعه کار می کرد
this time last year he was working on a farm
آنها من را ندیدند آنها به سمت من نگاه نمی کردند.
They didn’t see me. They weren’t looking in my direction.
چند دقیقه پیش کیت را دیدم. او به دنبال تو بود
I saw Kate a few minutes ago. She was looking for you.