Cet article s’intitule “les femmes et l’alcool”
This article is entitled “Women and alcohol”
On ne peut pas les soupconner de mentir
They cant be suspected of lying
On dit que c’est l’homme le plus inteligent de l’entreprise
He is said to be the smartest man
Ce livre aurait ete ecrit au moyen Age
This book was allegdly written in the middle Age
Il faudra peut etre qu’on opere ce malade
This patient may have to be operated
On ferait mieux de leur donner des vacanes
They had better be given holiday
On nous as fait travailler jusqu’a minuit
They made us work till midnight
Il accepte afin qu’elle soit contente
He accepts so that she is happy
Pouvez-vous nous faire travailler demain ?
Can you have us work tomorrow
J’aurais mieux aimé qu’il ne vienne pas
I would rather he had not come
Les chiffres du chomages auraient du etre publies rapidement
Unemployement figures should have been publish
Nous aurions preferer qu’ils s’entendent mieux
We would rather they had get along better
S’il s’arretait de travailler, il devrait aider sa femme
If he stopped working, he would have to help his wife
j’aurai aimé (présent irréel passé)
I would rather BV/BV past/ BV past perfect