Dissertation Flashcards
Un gros titre
A headline
Un tableau un graphique
A chart
To tackle
A la suite de
In the wake of
Dans une certaine mesure
To a certain extent
Jusqu’a un certain point
Up to a point
Tout repose sur la question de savoir si
It all hinges on the question wether
La proposition de… a creer des debats
Debates has arisen concerning the proposal to
To disclose
Etre opposé
To be poles apart
Ouvrir la voie à
To pave the way for
The bottom line
Se concentrer sur
To focus on
Le document (parle)
Focus on, deal with, highlights,
To raise awarness
Ils sont du meme avis
They fully agree
De plus
BesideS, furthermore
En plus
On top of that
Yet , still
Alors que
A la difference de
Par consequent
Consequently , therefore
Introduction d’idée (5)
According to , as stated in , the author argues that, it is claimed in , as mentionned in
Developper une idée dans un autre document
This is reinforced in
Contraste (3)
However, the author in … challenges this view by
While one source claims … the another suggestd
Yet doc X takes another stance by
Il dit / souligne / suggere /
He claims , points out , suggests underscore
Prbl generale
To what extent
Prbl general
In what ways
Prbltique Tensions / oppostion
How can we balance …. and
Can we effectively … without …. ?
Problematique Paradoxe
Why does….remain a challenge despite
How can….. be both a solution and a probeme
Does… create more problems than it solves ?
Plan , il est vraie , mais , au fait
True , international policies…
Yet, to mangle national economies …
Suprisingly, europe make profit over
Plan probleme cause consequence
The issue that the writer from … raises is characterized by / As highlighted in …
The roots of this issue, as noted by ….
…. sheds light on the aftermaths
au préalable
first and foremost