Graminoids Flashcards
What is the grass family called?
what family is Barley Hordeae in?
Poaceae (grass)
what family is Timothy agrostideae in?
Poaceae (grass)
What family is Fescue Festuceae in?
Poaceae (grass)
What family is Oat aveneae in?
Poaceae (grass)
What family is Canary grass phalaride in?
Poaceae (grass)
What type of flower does timothy have?
Very dense, spike like. short cylindrical panicle. lemmas are shorter than glumes.
What type of leaves does timothy have?
Green to grey, flat, 1-2mm long ligules.
What type of flower does foxtail barley have?
Spike, long hair like awns, green to purplish.
What type of stems do grass have?
They have rounded stem called a culm which is hollow.
What is the flower called on grass?
What are special about grass leaves?
They are arranged in an alternate pattern, they have parallel unbranching veins. covers the culm like a sheath.
What is a spikelet?
one or more flowers and two membranes called a glume
What type of structure is a spike?
(Grass) main axis does not have a branch, spikelets are stalkless
what type of structure is a Raceme?
(Grass) Main axis does not branch, spikelets are stalked
What type of structure is a panicle?
(Grass) Main axis branches , spikelets are stalked.
What two structures help with ID and where are they located?
They are called the lemma and palea. they are around the flower
How are grasses pollinated?
Wind pollination