Gram Negative Bacteria Flashcards
types of gram negative anaerobic bacilli?
non motile
types of non motile bacilli?
bacteriodes porphyromonas prevotella tannerella fusobacterium
what is tannerella forsythia?
sacchorlytic non pigmented bacteria
associated with periodontitis
what virulence factors does tannerella have?
fibrinogen binding bspa
apoptosis inducing factor
what does bspa do?
induces release of bone resorbing pro inflammatory cytokines
induces chemokines
what does tannerella interact with?
p.gingivalis enhances attachment to epithelial cells
forms mixed films with fusobacterium
what is fusobacterium?
gram negative spindle shaped bacteria - pairs - pathogenic sacchorlytic can adhere to gram positive/negative colonises mainly in gingival sulcus endotoxin link to perio disease binds to epithelial cells
what diseases can fusobacterium cause?
AUG - fusobacterium mucelatum and treponema vincentii = fusospirochaetal
vincents angina
what is aggregatibacter?
aggrigatobacter actinomyces
gram negative capnophilic cocco bacillus
periodonpathogen - localized juvenile periodontitis
what virulence factors do aggrigatobacters have?
IgG proteases
surface proteins
what is juvenile periodontitis?
localized - 1st perm molars and incisors - sparse microflora but high A.a
LPS - pro inflamm endotoxin and bone loss
what do you treat juvenile periodontitis with?
tetracycline against A.a
what are red complex bacteria?
tannerella forsythia
porphyromonas gingivalis
treponema denticola
what are orange complex bacteria?
prevotella intermedia
prevotella nigrescens
fusobacterium nucelatum