GPS Errors and Biases Flashcards
Range (Distance)
D = d + e
D= (range)
d= (True Range)
e = (errors)
GPS satellite - related errors
- Ephemeris (orbital) error
- Selective availability
- Clock Error
GPS Errors: GPS Receiver (Related Errors)
- Clock error
- Multipath error
- System noise
- Antenna phase center variations
GPS Errors: Signal Propagation (atmospheric refraction) errors
Ionospheric delay tropospheric delay
GPS Errors: Satellite Geometric Effects
Geometric Effects
GPS Satellite-related errors: Ephemeris (Orbital) error
Caused by gravitational forces and solar radiation, affecting satellite orbits
Errors range from 2m to 5m
Ephemeris data:
Show satellite’s position and velocity
Predicts positions from past GPS observations at control stations
GPS Satellite-related errors - Ephemeris (Orbital) error – Continued:
a. Differential correction in DGPS positioning
b. Post-mission precise orbital service from global GPS
International GPS Service for Geodynamics (IGS)
U.S. National Geodetic Survey (NGS)
Geomatics Canada
Accuracy: few centimeters to 10 centimeters
GPS Satellite Related Errors - Selective Availability (SA)
Implemented for national security
Denying precise positioning to unauthorized users
Began on March 25, 1990
Ended on May 1, 2000
GPS Satellite-related Errors - Selective Availability (SA)
Two errors:
1.Delta from satellite clock
2.Epsilon (orbit data manipulation)
DGPS helps mitigate epsilon errors, particularly for close-proximity users
GPS Satellite-related Errors -Selective Availability
Ended on May 1, 2000, greatly improving accuracy
With SA: 100m horizontal error, 156m vertical error (95%
Without SA: 22m horizontal error, 33m vertical error (95% probability)
Its removal boosted GPS markets, including vehicle navigation
and enhanced-911
GPS Satellite-related Errors - Satellite clock error
GPS satellite clocks have slight imperfections.
Clock errors range from 8.64 to 17.28 ns/day.
One nanosecond error equals about 30 cm range error, totaling 2.59 m to 5.18 m due to the clock.
GPS Satellite related Errors - Satellite clock error – Continued
How to address it:
Eliminate it through differencing between receivers (between-receiver single difference)
Apply the satellite clock correction provided in the navigation message
GPS Receiver Related Errors - Receiver clock error
GPS receivers use less accurate crystal clocks compared to
satellite atomic clocks
Results in larger clock errors that that of GPS satellite clocks
GPS Receiver Related Errors - Receiver clock error – Continued
How to fix:
* Remove through between-satellite single difference
* Treat as an additional parameter during estimation
* Use precise external clocks (costs vary from a few thousand to
about $20,000)
GPS Receiver Related Errors - Multipath Error
Affects carrier-phase and pseudorange measurements, with pseudorange having a larger error.
Occurs when GPS signals reach the
receiver antenna through multiple paths.
Direct GPS signal
Multipath signals
GPS Receiver Related Errors - Multipath error - Continued
How to Fix:
Utilize advanced receiver technology
Select sites without nearby reflecting objects
Employ a choke ring antenna
GPS Receiver Related Errors - Antenna Phase Center (APC) variation - continued
How to fix:
Align antennas in the same direction for short baselines
Often overlooked in most practical GPS applications due to its
minor magnitude
GPS Receiver Related Errors - Antenna Phase Center (APC) variation
A GPS antenna converts incoming satellite signals into electric
Antenna Phase Center (APC) is where the GPS signal is
APC isn’t always at the antenna’s physical center.
Cause: Elevation, azimuth, and signal intensity
Magnitude: A few centimeters
GPS Receiver Related Errors -Receiver measurement noise
Arises from the receiver electronics limitations.
High-quality systems have minimum noise.
GPS Receiver Related Errors - Receiver measurement noise - Continue
GPS receivers conducts self-tests. High-cost systems need user evaluation, including
a. Zero baseline: Identifies biases, cycle slips
b. Short baseline: Detects noise, multipath, and antenna/preamplifier noise
Error: 0.6m
Signal Propagation (Atmospheric Refraction) Errors
The GPS signal experiences delays in the atmosphere as it
passes through:
Ionospheric layer (from 50 km to 1,000 km)
Tropospheric layer (up to 50 km)
Signal Propagation (Atmospheric Refraction) Errors: Ionospheric delay error
GPS signals slow down in Earth’s atmosphere, especially in the
Spans 50 km to 1,000 km, with varying electron density
Varies with altitude, season, and time of day
Signal Propagation (Atmospheric Refraction) Errors: Ionospheric delay error - Continued
Ionosphere has D, E, F1, and F2 layers with varying electron
Impact on GPS:
* Bends and slows GPS signals as they pass through layers
* Introduces range error, frequency-dependent
Signal Propagation (Atmospheric Refraction) Errors: Ionospheric delay error - Continued
Delay increases with decreasing frequency.
* L2 (1227.6 MHz) has greater than that L1 (1575.42 MHz).
Error: 5 m to 15 m
Major GPS error source!
Signal Propagation (Atmospheric Refraction) Errors: Ionospheric delay error - Continued
How to fix:
a. Differencing GPS observations between nearby users helps
eliminate it.
b. Use dual-frequency receivers (L1 and L2) to generate
ionospheric-free linear combinations and mitigate the delay
Signal Propagation (Atmospheric Refraction) Errors: Tropospheric delay error
Troposphere extends up to 50 km, delays GPS uniformly.
Unlike ionosphere, it’s not frequency-dependent.
Affected by temperature, pressure, humidity
Longer path for low-angle satellites
Minimal at zenith (2.3 meters), maximum
near horizon
Important for GPS mask angle settings
(10-15 degrees)
Signal Propagation (Atmospheric Refraction) Errors: Tropospheric delay error - Continued
2.3 meters at the zenith when the satellite is directly overhead
9.3 meters at a 15-degree elevation angle
Between 20 and 28 meters at a 5-degree elevation angle
How to fix:
Can’t be eliminated by combining L1 and L2
Frequency-independent, affecting both carriers and codes
Satellite Geometric Effects
Satellite geometry and DOP (Dilution of Precision)
DOP measures the influence of satellite positions on GPS
accuracy, including;
Dilution of precision (DOP) or Geometric dilution of
precision (GDOP)
Positional dilution of precision (PDOP)
Horizontal dilution of precision (HDOP)
Vertical dilution of precision (VDOP)
Time dilution of precision (TDOP)
Satellite Geometric Effects - Satellite geometry circle overlap
Even satellite distribution results in lower
GDOP, indicating a stronger geometric
configuration and higher accuracy.
The margin of error decreases when satellites are widely spaced
Satellite Geometric Effects - Characteristics of DOP
Based on receiver-satellite geometry
Lower DOP means more precise positions.
Ideal DOP:
One overhead satellite and three evenly spaced ones around
the horizon
Best accuracy: DOP < 4, Acceptable: DOP 4-8, Poor: DOP > 8
Changes with time and location but repeats daily due to the
satellite constellation’s consistency, making it predictable.
Satellite Geometric Effects - Positional dilution of precision (PDOP)
Quantifies how satellite geometry affects 3-D positioning
accuracy (latitude, longitude, and height)
Represents overall positioning uncertainty
Satellite Geometric Effects - PDOP
Consists of:
1.HDOP (latitude and longitude)
2.VDOP (vertical)
To improve it, consider using pseudolites
Aim for a value of five or lower
GPS Mission Planning
Under the full 24-satellite GPS constellation, certain satellites are
visible at different times.
Goal: Assist users in finding optimal observation periods
Challenge: Satellite visibility varies
Ensures a minimum number of visible satellites and maintain a
specific maximum DOP value
GPS Mission Planning
GPS manufacturers provide mission-planning software that
predicts satellite visibility and geometry for precise planning of
GPS surveys and missions.
GPS Mission Planning Plot
Sky plot:
Displays the visible sky area
Input: User location, time period
Output: Path of each visible satellite
Satellite Availability Plot
Satellite availability plot:
A graph displaying PDOP,
Input: User-specified mask
Output: Total number of visible
User Equivalent Range Error (UERE)
UERE (User Equivalent Range Error) includes errors associated
with satellite/receiver clocks, atmosphere, satellite orbits, and
environmental conditions. It offers a more simplified means of
examining GPS positioning
GPS Errors
- GPS Satellite Related Errors
- GPS Receiver Related Errors
- Signal Propagation Errors
- Satellite Geometric Effects
GPS Satellite Related Erros (Types)
- Ephemeris (Orbital) error
- Selective availability
- Clock Error
GPS Receiver Related Errors (Types)
- Clock Errors
- Multipath Error
- System Noise
- Antenna Phase Center Variations
Satellite Geometric Effects (Types)
Geometric Effects
Signal Propagation Errors (Types)
- Ionospheric Delay
- Tropospheric Delay
GPS Satellite Related Erros: Ephemeris (Orbital) Errors
Caused by gravitational forces and solar radiation, affecting satellite orbits
Mitigation: Differential correction in DGPS positioning
GPS Satellite Related Erros: Selective Availability (SA)
- Was implemented for national security
- Denying precise positioning to unautorized users
Two errors
1. Delta from satellite clock
2. Epsilon (orbit data manipulation) - DGPS helps mitigate epsilon errors, particularly for close proximity users.
GPS Satellite Related Erros: Satellite Clock Error
GPS satellite clocks have slight imperfections
How to fix it:
Eliminate it through differencing between
receivers (between-receiver single difference)
Apply the satellite clock correction provided in the navigation message.
GPS Receiver Related Errors: Receiver clock error
GPS receivers use less accurate crystal clocks compared to satellite atomic clocks
Results in larger clock errors that of GPS satellite clocks
How to fix:
* Remove through between-satellite single difference
* Treat as an additional parameter during estimation
GPS Receiver Related Errors: Multipath Error
Affects carrier-phase and pseudorange
measurements, with pseudorange having a
larger error.
Occurs when GPS signals reach the
receiver antenna through multiple paths
Direct GPS signal
Multipath signals
How to Fix:
Utilize advanced receiver technology
Select sites without nearby reflecting objects
Employ a choke ring antenna
GPS Receiver Related Errors: Antenna Phase Center (APC) variation
A GPS antenna converts incoming satellite signals into electric current.
Antenna Phase Center (APC) is where the GPS signal is received.
APC isn’t always at the antenna’s physical center.
Cause: Elevation, azimuth, and signal intensity
Magnitude: A few centimeters
How to fix:
Align antennas in the same direction for short baselines.
Often overlooked in most practical GPS applications due to its minor magnitude
GPS Receiver Related Errors: Receiver measurement noise
Arises from the receiver electronics limitations.
High-quality systems have minimum noise.
GPS receivers conducts self-tests. High-cost
systems need user evaluation, including:
a. Zero baseline: Identifies biases, cycle slips
b. Short baseline: Detects noise, multipath, and
antenna/preamplifier noise