GPS Approaches Flashcards
What are the 3 possible combinations of nav aids that an RNAV system could use to determine position?
2 VORs
2 DMEs
RNAV is an abbreviation of what?
Area Navigation
How can a pilot determine if a GPS in their aircraft is IFR certified?
GPS is listed in POH as IFR approved - supplemental certificate
Current database
What are the 3 requirements for a GPS to be used on a GPS approach?
Current database
IFR certified
If the RAIM annunciation light illuminates during a GPS approach, what must the pilot do?
Must execute a missed approach
A pilot is flying an aircraft that has an IFR legal GPS. The GPS does not have WAAS. Can the pilot fly a GPS approach that has vertical guidance?
WAAS is what gives vertical guidance
A pilot is flying an aircraft that has an IFR legal GPS but no WAAS. What type of GPS approaches can this pilot fly?
Non precession GPS approaches
A pilot is flying an aircraft that has an IFR legal GPS that has WAAS. What type of GPS approaches can this pilot fly?
GPS precision approaches
A GPS overlay approach is based on an old type of what approach?
TAA is an abbreviation for what?
Terminal Arrival Area
Most GPS approaches have what basic plan view shape?
Classic T shape
If a procedure turn or holding pattern is depicted on an approach chart, ATC does not say anything about it, and the approach chart does not say NoPT, does a pilot have to do the procedure turn?
If a holding pattern specifies the distance of a leg, does the pilot have to fly that distance or can the pilot use 1 minute legs?
Have to fly the distance
When a pilot is cleared for an approach with no altitude restriction, what altitudes must the pilot fly?
As low as the approach lets you
Minimum altitude depicted
When reducing published approach visibility minimums in half of what airplanes can use, what is the lowest this visibility can ever be reduce to when flying helicopters?
1/4 sm