GPH 204 Flashcards
Low Level Airways extend from _____ AGL up to, but not including _____ ASL
Standard control zone size for civilian towered aerodromes
7 NM
3000’ AAE
Standard control zone size for uncontrolled aerodromes
5 NM
3000’ AAE
Standard military control zone
10 NM
6000’ AAE
Intermediate stops may be included in a single IFR flight plan
VFR flight plans with 1 or more intermediate stops may be filed provided:
1) the stop is of short duration (EET includes stops)
2) the stop is included in the route section (format CYXU 0045 CYXU)
RVSM is all airspace within Canadian Domestic Airspace from FL _____ to FL _____ inclusive
High Level Airspace (Class A) begins at:
southern control area - _____ ASL
northern control area - FL _____
arctic control area - FL _____
GNSS substitution may not be used in lieu of ground based aids for
VOR and NDB final approach segment guidance on VOR- or NDB- instrument approach procedures
RVOP (Reduced Visibility Operations) means operations from RVR _____ down to and including RVR _____
2600 (1/2 sm)
1200 (1/4 sm)
LVOP (Low Visibility Operations) means operations below RVR _____
1200 (1/4 sm)
When holding short, if hold short lines are not visible, or not established, aircraft must hold _____ ft from the edge of the runway in use.
Common frequency for the broadcast of aircraft
position and pilot’s intentions flying in the vicinity of an uncontrolled aerodrome if no MF or ATF is published
123.2 MHz
At an uncontrolled aerodrome where no MF is in effect, traffic may join the circuit via
1) the _____ side and crossing overhead the aerodrome at circuit altitude or 1000’ AAE
2) if no conflict exists, via the _____ leg
If it is necessary for an aircraft to cross overhead an uncontrolled aerodrome before joining the circuit, it is recommended that
the crossover be accomplished at least _____ ft above the circuit altitude.
Descents should be made on the ____ side or well clear of the traffic pattern.