Governmental Accounting Part B Flashcards
What are the 2 important types of accountability that the government focuses on?
Operational and fiscal
What does operational accountability focus on?
Government-wide financial statements
What does fiscal accountability focus on?
Fund financial statements
What does the integrated approach require?
Reconciliation of the fund financial statements to the government-wide financial sstatements to link the accountability objectives
What are the required pieces for reporting for general purpose governmental units?
MD&A, Government-wide financial statements, fund financial statements, Notes to the financial statements, Required Supplementary Information, Othere Supplementary Information(optional)
What is considered the Basic Financial Statements?
Government-wide financial statements, fund financial statements, and notes to the financial statements
What is a component unit?
An organization for which the elected officials of the primary government are financially accountable.
What are examples of transactions of not-for-profit entities reported as a component unit?
Private foundations associated with state universities and public health care facilities
What should be included in the MD&A?
Description of the Financial Statements, Identity of the Primary Government and Discrete Component Unites, Economic Conditions and Outlook, and Major Initiatives
Is a variance analysis and reconciliation of fund financial statements to government-wide financial statements included in the MD&A?
What does GASB 34 require the use of for government-wide financial statements?
Economic resources measurement focus and the full accrual basis of accounting
Are fiduciary funds included in the government-wide financial statements?
What are the 3 componenets of Net Position?
Net Investment in Capital Assets, Restricted, and Unrestricted
Governments may use the modified approach if?
The Government’s Asset Management System meets certain conditions and the government documentation should include datat on asset preservation
The net expense or revenue for each function or program is classified into one of these categories?
Primary government governmental activities, primary government business-type activities, and component units
How are expenses reported in the Statement of Activities in the Government-wide financial statements?
By function on the full accrual basis
What are the program revenue category types?
Charges for Services, Operating Grants and Contributions, and Capital Grants and Contributions
What is the rule for a fund to be considered a major fund?
10% test within its category and 5% test for all categories
What is the mneumonic for the reconciliation of the balance sheet?
What does the reconciliation of the balance sheet consist of?
Governmental fund balance + Assets - Liabilities + Internal service net position then adjustments for Basis of Accounting, Accrued, Revenues, and expenses
What is the mneumonic for the reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance?
What does the reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance consist of?
Governmental fund balance - Other financing sources + Expenditures + Internal service fund net income then adjustments for Basis of Acounting, Accrued, Revenues, and expenses
What are the 7 differences of the proprietary funds cash flow statements and the commercial enterprise version?
Direct method is required, a reconciliation of operating income to net cash provided by operations is required, four categories(Operating, capital and noncapital financing activities, and investing activities), the order of financing and investing activities categories are reversed, interest income/cash receipts are reported as “investing activities”, interest expense/cash payments are either capital or noncapital, and capital purchases are reported as “financing activities”
What should generic governmental disclosures include?
A description of government-wide activities, noting the exclusion of fiduciary funds, policies relating to elimination of internal activity, and description of the modified approach for reporting infrastructure, if used
What is an example of a specific governmental disclosure(GASB 38)?
The length of time used to define “available” in determing revenue recognition under the modified accrual basis
Significant information that follows the basic financial statements includes?
Budgetary information, infrastructure information, and pension information
What information should be presented regarding pension information?
Sources of changes, information about the components, significant methods and assumptions, annuall money-weighted rate of return, and explanation of trends
What is included in the Other Supplementary information?
Combining statements for nonmajor funds
The accounting associated with interfund activity can be classified as follows?
Reciprocal and non-reciprocal interfund activity
What does reciprocal interfund activity include?
Interfund loans and interfund services provided and used
What does non-reciprocal interfund activity include?
Interfund transfers and interfund reimbursements
Should interfund transaction between the primary government and its fiduciary funds be reported?