First-Time Adoption of IFRS Flashcards
How many balance sheets must an entity include for the first IFRS financial statements?
Three(End of current period, end of prior period, and beginning of prior period)
How many statements of comprehensive income, income statements, cash flows, and statements of changes in equity and related notes?
What is the date of transition to IFRS?
The date of the opening balance sheet
Adjustments needed to restate assets and liabilities in conformity with IFRS should be made directly to?
Retained earnings at the date of transition to IFRS
What type of value can be deemed cost of fixed assets, investment property, or intangible assets?
Fair value
What is the list of the mandatory exceptions to the retrospective application of IFRS at the time of the initial adoption of IFRS?
Derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities, hedge accounting, non-controlling interests, classification and measurement of financial assets, and embedded derivatives
What should the entity disclose about the transition?
How the transition from previous GAAP to IFRS affected its reported financial position, finacial performance, and cash flows.
What should the disclosure of the transition to IFRS include?
A reconciliation
On an opening IFRS balance sheet, an entity may not elect to use fair value to report?