Governmental Accounting 2 Flashcards
Deferred inflows & outflows
They are inflows & outflows of resources that occur in a period but are related to a future period
Deferred Inflows & outflows for Governmental fund balance sheet
(Current Assets + Deferred Outflows of Resources) - (Current Liabilities + Deferred Inflows of Resources) = Fund Balance
Deferred inflows & outflows for Proprietary Fund balance sheet
(Assets + Deferred Outflows of Resources) - (Liabilities + Deferred Inflows of Resources) = Net Position
Deferred inflows & outflows for Fiduciary Fund balance sheet
(Assets + Deferred Outflows of Resources) - (Liabilities + Deferred Inflows of Resources) = Net Position
3 Categories of Net Position
Net Investments in Capital Assets
Net Investments in Capital Assets - Net Position
Capital Assets net of depreciation minus outstanding debt used to construct or acquire capital assets
Restricted - Net Position
By external parties like creditors or grantors
By Constitutional provisions or enabling legislation
Held in a trust (fiduciary fund)
CPA exam may ask question about funds a governing board sets aside for a or a purpose (board designated funds)
5 Categories of Fund Balance
Nonspendable Restricted Committed Assigned Unassigned
Nonspendable - Fund Balance
Shit isn’t in a spendable form like inventory, long term receivables, or property held for resale or government legally or contractually has to maintain the amount like a endowments in a permanent fund
Restricted - Fund Balance
Externally imposed through creditors, grantors, contributors or or laws of other governments
or by constitutional provisions or enabling legislation
Committed - Fund Balance
Amounts that are committed for a specific purpose by formal action of the government’s highest level of decision-making (e.g., by city council resolution)
Assigned - Fund Balance
Amounts that are intended by the government to be used for specific purposes that are not classified as restricted or committed
Unassigned - Fund Balance
The residual classification for the general fund for amounts not classified as restricted, committed, or assigned.
Negative Fund Balance Amounts
Should be no negative residual for restricted, committed, or assigned
If there is they reduce amounts assigned for other purposes but if there are still negative balances then they are reclassified to unassigned fund balance
So all the funds besides General have an unassigned balance then there was a negative balance
Unassigned fund balance note
General fund has to have positive balance and every other governmental fund has to have a negative balance
Common Reconciling Items for Fund Balances from Modified Accrual to Accrual
Capital Outlays (expenditures) Disposition (sale) of capital assets Depreciation Issuance of long term debt debt Retirement of long term debt Accrued liabilities Interfund transfers Internal Service funds Expenditures vs expenses Revenue not recognized in governmental funds
GASB Statement of Cashflows
Operating Activities
Noncapital Financing Activities
Capital related financing activities
Investing Activities
Notes about operating cashflows
Operating does not include interest revenue & expense
Notes about Investing Cashflows
Acquisition & sale of investments
Interest & dividends on such investments
Loans made & collected