Government Exam02 CH13 Flashcards
Which Branch of government is said to be the LEAST DANGEROUS?
Judiciary Branch
What does SCOTUS do?
They investigate cases with a constitutional issue. Issues that could affect every person in this country, not just the person(s) affected by the case.
Judicial power is in one Supreme Court and Congress sets up the lower federal courts.
Article 3, Section 1
How long do supreme court justices hold their offices?
In times of “good behaviour”, basically lifetime terms. They don’t face relection so they can be independent of politics.
How to get rid of a supreme court justice?
The only way is impeachment and removal for a crime like bribery.
What does the consitution say in article 3 about how many supreme court justices there can be?
Nothing. But congress passed the judiciary act in 1869 that set the membership to NINE JUSTICES.
Does a president have the same amount of power on their first day as they do their last day?
Yes. See Trump nominating a supreme court justice.
What is common law tradition?
Body of judge-made law (not from legislation that congress passed and the president signed)
Regarding SCOTUS, what is a stare decisis?
It’s a precedent. Something to follow to save time and money. Judges are not bound my precedences, but influenced by them.
What CANT laws passed by Congress or States do?
Violate the constitution.
Who creates Statutes and Administrative Regulations?
Bureaucratic Agencies (non elected bodies)
What is Case Law?
Judicial interpretations of common law principles, the Constitution, legislation, statutes and regulatory laws
What are the 4 basic judicial requirements for SCOTUS to hear a case?
- Does SCOTUS have jurisdiction? It has to be a FEDERAL question.
- Is there diversity of citizenship? Are parties from different states or countries?
- Justiciable Controversy? No hypotheticals or what ifs. Someone must have already been harmed. The exception is for an emergency ruling for something like COVID.
- Standing. You must have a sufficient stake in the matter to sue. You can’t sue on someone else’s behalf.
How any justices must must agree to hear a case?
Four (Rule of Four)
Definition of Due Process
Person is given notice they are being investigated and then prosecuted for a crime.
They have an opportunity to be heard (trial)
Decisions are made by a neutral decision maker (impartial judge)
Definition of Procedural Due Process
if the government wants to take away your life, liberty or property,procedural due process (EQUAL TREATMENT) requires the government to afford a person notice, an opportunity to be heard, and a decision made by a neutral decision-maker.
Definition of Substantive Due Process
Principle allowing courts to protect basic fundamental rights (FAIR TREATMENT)
What does the eigth ammendment say about punishment?
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed,
nor cruel AND unusual punishments inflicted.
What does SCOTUS do on death penalty cases?
They REVIEW the case, make sure procedures were followed. They don’t ask themselves if the convicted person committed the crime or not.
Is civil liberty absolute?
In regards to decision making on the court, what is INSTITUTIONALISM?
Judges who adhere to institutionalism see the Constitution as a living, breaking document whose meaning is reinterpreted over the generations.
In regards to decision making on the court, what is TEXTUALISM?
Judges who adhere to textualism view the laws written as the plain meaning of words and don’t consider other legal contexts.
In regards to decision making on the court, what are LOOSE CONSTRUCTIONISTS?
Judges who adhere to loose constructionism view the Constitution as a living thing that must stretch or contract to accommodate a modernizing society.
True or False – Judicial review is the process by which the Judicial Branch reviews the acts of the other two branches for their constitutionality (legality), as outlined in Article III?
False. The Court established this doctrine in the case of Marbury v. Madison (1803)