GOV Accounting Flashcards
Definition of Fund
A Fund is a sum of money or other resource segregated for the purpose of carrying on a specific activity or attaining certain objectives in accordance with specific regulations, restriction or limitations, constituting an independent fiscal and accounting entity. Each fund is a self balanced set of accounts .
Govt Fund Reconciliation
Govt. fund f/s are reconciled to the governmental activities section of the govt -wide presentation
Enterprise Funds
Enterprise funds are carried into the business type activities section of the government wide F/S, generally with no reconciling items
Definition - Accounts for the acquisition and operation of governmental facilities and services that are intended to be primarily ( over 50%) self supported by user charges. Costumers are primarily external.
Internal Service funds
Internal service funds are often merged with governmental activities displayed in the Govt- wide financials
Definition- Accounts for goods and services provided by designated department on fee basis to other department and agencies with a single governmental unit or other governmental unit
Fiduciary Funds
Fiduciary funds are presented individually as fund financial statements, but are excluded from the government- wide financial statement presentation.
Governmental Funds
- Modified accrual accounting
- Current financial resources measurement focus
The source, use and balance of the governments currents financial resources and the related current liabilities are accounted through use of governmental funds
- General Funds
- Special Revenue Funds
- Debt Service Funds
- Capital Projects Funds
- Permanent Fund
Proprietary Funds
- Full Accrual Accounting
- Economic resources measurement focus
Proprietary funds account for business types activities and their accounting is similar to commercial accounting . Property funds include
- Internal Service funds
- Enterprise funds
Proprietary Funds presentation
Statement of Net Position
All assets and deferred outflows of resources
(All liabilities and deferred inflows of resources)
= Net Positon
Statement of revenues, expenses and changes in fund net position
Operating revenue
(operating expenses)
Non-operating revenue ( Expense)
= Change in Net Postion
Fiduciary ( Trust funds) fund
- Full accrual Accounting
- Economic resources measurement focus
Fiduciary funds account for assets received where the government acts in the capacity of trust or agency fund. Fiduciary Funds include
A. Pension Trust Funds
B. Agency Trust funds
C. Provate purpose trust fund
D. Investment trust funds
Government -wide Presentations
- Full accrual accounting
- Economic resources measurement focus
Govt. Wide F/S convert disaggregated fund based F/S using multiple measurement focuses and basis of accounting to a single single consalidated set of financial statements with use the full accrual basis of accounting and the economic resource measurement focus
Governmental Funds
Governmental funds often have a budgetary focus, and seek to measure financial positions and the changes therein. The main F/S is the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance which is used to demonstrate compliance with laws, rules and regulations
Current Financial Resources -B/S
The current financial resources measurement focus seeks to value and report fund balances as a measure of available, spendable or appropriable. Only current assets and liabilities are included in B/S
Economic Resources - B/S
The economic resources measurement focus seeks to determine the cost of services and the efficiency and effectiveness with with invested capital has been used
Governmental Modified Accrual
- Budget
- Activity
- Encumbrances
Encumbrance accounting is used to record purchase order
There is no profit motive in any governmental fund thus there is no income determination
Modified Accrual - Budgetary Accounting J/E
Budgetary accounts are “estimated accounts” which are the opposite ( in term of “natural” debit and credit balances ) from real “proprietary” or actual accounts
Budgetary accounts are posted only twice doing the year
Governmental Fund Revenue
Governmental fund revenues are recorded when measurable and available. This usually means the collection period does not excced 60 days after fiscal year end.
Governmental fund revenues often arise from non-exchange transactions. A non-exchange transaction is defined by GASB 33 as a transactions in which a goverment gives and receives value without directly giving and receiving equal value in return.