FAR (My Own) Flashcards
The single statemement apporach & two statement apporach
Single statement apporach displays other comprehensive income item indiviudall and in total.
The Two-statement apporach displays comprehensive income as a separate statement and that immediatley follows the I/S
Extraordinary Iteam
Foreign currency devaluation & losses discountinued operation are not extraordinary items.
IFRS segment discloure
Under IFRS, Segment disclosure include liabilities only if a segment liability mesure is regularly provided to the cheif operating decision maker
Equity security do not inlcude
Treasury stock, convertiable bonds, preferred stock redeemable at the option of the investor , or stock must be redeemed by the issuer
Equity Method
The equity method is used to account for investments if significant influence can be exercised by investor over the investee. Ownership of 20% to 50% of the investee’s voting stock is deemed to represent signigcant influence.
IFRS intangible assets
Under IFRS, research cost related to an internally developed intangible asset must be expensed but an intangible asset arising from development is recognized if the entity can demonstrate
- Technological feasibility has been established
- The entity intends to complete the intangible assets
- Entity has the ability to use or sell the intangible asset and will generate future economic benefits
A Patent is amortized over the shorter of it’s estimated life or remaining legal life
Organizational Expenses
Organizational expenses are not capitalized as an intangible asset rather they are expensed immediatley
Costs associated with maintaining, developing, or restoring goodwill are not capitalized as goodwill ( they are expensed )
Computer Software development
Under IFRS, Computer software development costs are internally generated intangibles. Research costs must be expensed and development costs may be capitalized if certain criteria are met.
Formula for amortization of capitalized software costs
Greater of
Percentage of revenue = Total capitalized amount X current gross revenue for period/ total projected gross revenue for product
Straight line = Total capitalized amount X 1/ Estimate of economic life
Computer software developed internally
Expenses costs incurred after the preliminary project state costs incurred for training and maintenance. Capitalize costs incurred after the preliminary project state and for upgrading and enhancement
Capitalized costs should be amortized on a straight line basis.
Intangible assets with finite lives (Two step impairment test)
Step 1 - The carrying amount of the asset is compared with sum of the undiscounted cash flows
Step 2- If the carrying amount exceeds the total un-discounted future cash flows, then asset is impaired and an impairment loss equal to the difference between the carrying amount of the asset and its fair value is recorded.
Intangible assets with indefinite lives ( One step impairment test)
An intangible asset with an indefinite life is tested for impairment by comparing the fair value of the intangible asset to its carrying amount.
Note : FV is not given , discounted cash flows must be used.
Goodwill impairment -US GAAP
Goodwill impairment is calculated at a reporting unit level. FV- Carrying amount = impairment