FAR ( Working Capital) Flashcards
Trade discount
Trade discount are applied sequentially
A/R should be presented on the B/S at their net realizable value
Sales return and allowance
If past experience shows that a material percentage of receivables are returned an allowance for sales returns should be established
Direct write off Method ( not GAAP)
Under the direct write off method, the account is written off and the bad debt is recognized when the accounts becomes uncollectible.
J/E to record the account balance of 10k as un-collectible
Dr. Bad debt Expense 10k
Cr. A/R 10k
J/E to sales return
Dr. Sales return and allowance (contra sales)
Cr. A/R
Allowance Method (GAAP)
The allowance for un-collectbles should be based on past experience. A percentage of each periods sales or ending accounts receivable is estimated to be uncollectible.
The credit is made to a valuation account such as allowance for uncollectible accounts
Percentage of Sales Method - Income statement approach
Under the percentage of sales method, a percentage of each is debited to the account “Bad debt expense” and credited to the account “Allowance for doubtful accounts”
Percentage of accounts receivable at year end - B/S approach
Uncollectible accounts may also be estimated as a certain percentage of accounts receivable at year end.
In percentage of accounts receivable at year end BAD DEBT EXP is a Plug
Pledging (Assignment)
A/R is collateral for a loan and Pledging requires only note disclosure
Factoring of Accounts Receivable
If a sale is non recourse, it means the sale is final and the assignee assumes the risk of any losses on collation.
J/E record to factor A/R without recourse Dr. Cash Dr. Due from factor Dr. Loss on sale of receivable Cr. A/R
Factoring A/R
If a sale is on recourse basis, it means that the factor has an option to re-sell any uncollectible receivables back to seller
Notes Receivable-present value
Notes receivable are written promise to pay debt and the writing is called a promissory not. it can be C/A or a long term asset
Sales with a right to Return
If goods are sold but the buyer has the right to return the goods, the goods should be included in the seller’s inventory if the amount of the gods likely to be return cannot be estimated
If the amount of goods likely to be returned can be estimated, the transaction will be recorded as a sale with an allowance for estimated returns recorded
Precious Metal and Farm Products
Gold, silver and other precious metals, and meat and some agricultural products are valued at NET REALIZABLE VALUE.
NRV= SP - Cost of disposal
Lower of Cost or Market ( US GAAP)
In the ordinary course of business, when the utility of goods is no longer as great as their cost, a departure from the cost basis principle of measuring inventory is required
Under US GAAP, the term “market” in the phrase “lower of cost or market” generally means current replacement cost (whether by purchase or reproduction), provided the current replacement cost does not exceed NRV or fall below NRV reduced by normal profit margin
Cost under IFRS
IFRS require inventory to be reported at the lower of cost or NRV
NRV = under IFRS is the same as the Market ceiling under US GAAP
IFRS allow the reversal of inventory write downs for subsequent recoveries of inventory value. The reversal is limited to the amount of the original write down and is recorded as a reduction of total inventory costs on the I/S in the period of reversal.